The Best Husband

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I really really wanted to get back to writing Sathiya but was unable to pick up the pace. Probably because of the long break😔 So, decided to write this small drabble to get back in rhythm somehow and i hope i will soon be picking up the speed.

You votes and comments are what inspire me to write more and more so you do know the drill;) Inspire me as much as you can so that i stsrt drafting my baby Sathiya once again.

Arnav looked up from the laptop in front of him and found his wife, standing by the mirror, checking herself out with what appeared to be a frown maring her beautiful face. Her nose was scrunched up, brows knitted together and a look of displeasure hiding her pretty features behind itself.

His wife looked distressed for some reason and that wasn't appealing to Arnav at all. It wasn't the first time in an hour he had found Khushi getting up from the bed recklessly and dragging herself towards the mirror.

She would lean in and take a closer look of her face, trying to find God knows what, moving it from left to right. Then she would move back and twirl in front of the mirror, looking up at herself from top to bottom. After that, she would again make an upsetting face and moved back towards the bed to sit down for like what, five minutes before getting up again and repeating the same procedure.

But this time, Arnav have had enough. Shutting down his laptop screen with a jerk, he stood up from the recliner and moved towards the mirror where his wife was standing.

Appearing behind her, Arnav wrapped his arms around her waist, flushing her petite frame to his chest and rested his chin over her shoulder. Khushi was startled for a second but immediately recovered snd leaned back into him with a sigh. Her arms moved up instantly and rested over his lazily which were tightened around her body.

"You know, it's good to be self-aware of your beauty and to admire yourself in the mirror now and then, but isn't it too much to continuously gawk at yourself? Like i seriously never knew that you were this much perk and self-conceited Khushi that you can't just get enough of staring at your stunning face again n again. Why so wifey? Isn't this like my right to stare at you all the time and reckon myself as the most lucky man alive on the face of this planet?"Arnav whispered in his wife's ear, moving her thick, long, silky locks aside and plant a lingering kiss on her exposed neck.

" Arnav-ji.."Khushi whined cutely, squirming in his hold and pouted her lips. "It's not what you think! I wasn't admiring myself."

Arnav turned her around in his arms so now she was facing him and kissed her lips sweetly. "Ok...then what else were you doing? Learning about your body? You know you don't need to do that. You can just ask me whatever you want to know and i will tell, since i have so successfully memorized every inch of your bod-"

"Arnav-ji!!" Khushi snapped irritatingly and glared at her husband who was this huge grin on his face.

"What, wifey?"

"Can you just take out your mind from gutter for a second at least? I am very upset and serious here."

Arnav raised a brow. "Upset and serious? Wow, that's a deadly combination."

Khushi squinted her eyes and looked at her husband for few seconds before huffing loudly and pushed him back. "You know what? Its useless to even try ti talk to you. You can never get serious. Not with me at least."

She turned around to walk out of the room but Arnav grabbed her wrist from behind and pulled her in his embrace a little roughly.

"I know exactly what you are thinking and talking about Khushi." Arnav spoke softly.

Khushi looked up at him and Arnav felt his heart breaking into pieces at the sight of her teary eyes and quivering lips. She looked so sad about something which wasn't even true in the first place.

" I am so ugly." Khushi choked out, looking down on the floor.

Arnav sighed and shook his head.

If that how she wants it..

"And I am pregnant, Khushi." Arnav let out the words, in the same tone as his wife's and watched in amusement as her head whipped up with a jerk and she started at him with wide eyes and mouth forming an 'O'

"W-what?" She stuttered and Arnav hardly fought the smile that was threatening to break seeing her horrified and shocked expressions.

"Yeah!" Arnav shrugged. "I thought we were saying things that are impossible to happen ever."

A tear slipped down Khushi's cheek, followed by another and then another. She threw her arms around Arnav's neck and hugged him tightly, laughing and crying at the same time.

"How do you know always do this? Make me feel better in the worst of times!?" Khushi mumbled in his chest.

Arnav chuckled and kissed her hairs lovingly, tightening his hold around her.

"Because i know you even better than you know yourself."

Khushi smiled and kissed her chest, feeling grateful for having such a wonderful and understanding life partner. He would make her feel the best all the time. He would make her smile when she's feeling low of herself. He would lift up her spirits when she is falling down and down. Her husband was everything woman could ever ask for.

"You are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen Khushi and that's not much saying for you. No matter how old you get, no matter how many teeth you loose, no matter how much your face ever get wrinkled up, I will look at you across any room and think that you are the most pretty person i have ever laid my eyes on as long as i breath. I love you so damn much. " Khushi heard him say nd smiled happily.

Her Arnav-ji was truly the best husband of the world.


Thats it! Hope you guys liked it 😊

Thankyou so much to all those who send me prayers and wishes. My left arm still hurt so bad but its healing slowly slowly. My family too is coping up after the accident much better now. Time heals wounds and i hope that's the case with us too. Please keep me and my family in your prayers guys❤️

Also, everyone of you please stay safe. Follow the safety precautions as much as you can. That's the only way to keep yourself safe from this monstrous virus which is eating hundreds of lives every freaking second. May Allah protect all of us Aameen ♥️

See yall' soon😍

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