Trouble for hubby

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Holding his wife's right hand in his left one, Arnav was walking slowly from one painting to another taking a good look at each of them. Khushi was trailing behind him quietly, smiling and enjoying the day.

After so many days, finally they had gotten a chance to spend some time together. Arnav decided for an outing followed by a dinner date and Khushi agreed, happy for finally getting some time with her husband.

AR was driving her husband crazy. Back to back meetings, upcoming fashion week, foreign delegations and what not. Arnav was damn busy nowadays and was unable to have some peaceful time with his wife. And Khushi, well she was going mad too with her husband's absence. She was missing him so much and her husband knew it.

So finally, today Arnav decided to take a break from all the hustle around him to make up for his busy schedule and that lead them to this day out. Currently they were at Expo Center, enjoying an art exhibition but truth be told, both Arnav & Khushi were enjoying being with each other and the feelings of their hands entwined together.

"This one is so beautiful. Isn't Arnav-ji?" Khushi chirped, looking at a  painting. The artist had played well with the colors, painting a beautiful scene of sunset.

"Yeah, very beautiful." Arnav agreed, placing a kiss on his wife's head.

Khushi blushed scarlet and smacked his arm playfully, glaring at him from under her lashes. "I was talking about the painting Mr.Raizada."

"Oh!" Arnav chuckled. "I thought you were talking about yourself Mrs.Raizada."

Khushi's heart fluttered with his words but she managed to roll her eyes at him. "Stop with the flirting, will you?"

"Can't help when a beautiful lady is walking beside me." Arnav winked.

"You are seriously too much." Khushi shook her head.

"Too much what?" Arnav cocked a brow. "Too much hot and handsome and sexy? Yeah I know that wifey." He grinned.

Khushi elbowed him in the ribs lightly earning a small 'ow' and resumed walking. "We are here to see the exhibition if you remember it Arnav-ji."

Arnav took fast strides and joined her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "But I feel like looking at my personal painting only Khushi." He flirted again, smirking boyishly.

Khushi turned red again and decided to keep her mouth shut this time. She knew that anything that she say would result in her husband throwing mischievous remarks and so it was better to be quite. Arnav chuckled softly seeing his blushing queen and resumed walking, finally deciding to concentrate on the exhibition

They reached near a painting which was quite different from the other ones. Here, the artist had painted a girl, who had nothing on her body except some leaves here and there. She had a beautiful face and her features were actually painted beautifully.

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