Forbidden Kiss (last)

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Dedicated to:


Happy belated birthday Mitu 😍😍😍😘😘😘🎂🎂🎂 I wish you to have a beautiful and successful year ahead. May Allah Almighty bless you with his countless blessings, happiness and prosperity. May all your wishes come true soon!💖💖💖💖 love you loads baby💋💋💋💕💕💕💕

The last part of FD got lengthy, almost becoming a shot. I have written it with a block mind. I really hope that you guys will like it!


Leaning forward, Arnav rested his forehead on hers. His arms, on their own accord, went around her waist pulling her into his chest. Khushi didn't struggle at all. Her eyes were closed and she was panting badly.

"I love you, Khushi."

A hoarse whisper fell in her ears and Khushi's eyes shot open. A wave of current passed through her body, making her tremble. She couldn't believe her ears. Her knees felt weak and if not for Arnav's hold around her, she would have definitely fell down.

Her heart was shaking like a leaf. The world around her was revolving and the man standing in front of her, was gazing right into her eyes, casting a spell over her.

She was loosing herself! Arnav Singh Raizada had successfully undid her knots!

A tear slipped down from her eye, onto her cheek and down, getting absorbed in her neck followed by another one, and than another and than another untill a stream of hot flowing liquid was formed from the sparkling hazel orbs. Her lips parted, gasping for air. She felt suffocated and weak. His words were ringing in her ears making her mind to go on a haywire.

As much as she wanted to embrace Arnav and his heart felt confession, Khushi knew that she couldn't because she shouldn't. He was her best friend's love interest. She couldn't betray Lavanya-ji like this. Her morald and brought up didn't allow her to do so. She would rather crush her heart and feelings before even thinking of crushing Lavanya's emotions.

Shaking her head, Khushi pushed Arnav back from all her might and glared at him with determination shining in her eyes. "No! No Mr.Raizada! You can't love me. You can't even think of doing so. You are in a relationship with Lavanya-ji. She should be the only point of interest for you. You can't cheat her. You should love her, only her. Not me or anyone else." Her heart wailed loudly as she uttered the last of words, but Khushi Kumari Gupta patted it to sleep.

Arnav looked at her with a strange emotion in his eyes. It was like he was scrutinizing her from inside out. As if, he was trying to see the truth behind her words. His eyes were warm, screaming of love, adoration and affection for her and only her. Khushi felt extremely uncomfortable under his penetrating gaze. She knew that if he kept on looking like this towards her for few more seconds, she would loose it completely. That, she won't be able to fight against him and her feelings anymore. Her heart was already melting under his gaze and his close proximity.

"I don't love Lavanya, Khushi." Arnav spoke in a low voice and Khushi felt the last thread of her patience broking. Marching forward, she hit Arnav on his chest with a force, causing him to stumble back.

"THAN TRY TO DO SO MR. RAIZADA!" She screamed loudly, out of her frustration.

Arnav smiled faintly at her sudden outburst. He seemed totally unaffected by her push and shouting. Taking a step towards her, he softly gathered Khushi in his arms, despite of her struggles, and kissed her forehead lovingly. So lovingly, that she felt her resolve breaking. So lovingly, that Khushi, at that moment, wanted nothing but to just hide her face in his chest and never let go of him. So lovingly, that she felt she would languish in the cocoon of his arms any second now.

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