Good Morning!

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I updated the last shot of TSY last night but instead of getting posted, the whole chapter vanished in the blink of an eye. It was really frustrating and heart breaking for me. I am sorry but now it might get late for the shot to come out coz I would have to type the whole thing again. Please have patience:)

Dedicated to

MrsASR 💖💖

I don't know Pari if you remember or not, but you once asked me to write something on the scene below👇. Here is it! I hope you will like it 😅

*This Drabble is in the context of the first scene of 'Ipkknd-Ek jashan' where Arnav woke up in the morning and didn't find Khushi beside him and called out for her*



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'I just wanna see you, hold you, hug you, touch you, kiss you, cuddle you and love you when I woke up in the morning, my love.'

The hot, luminous platter of the sun rose up high in the sky and than fell down on the Earth, brightening the whole place. As the gleaming sun rays peeked through the curtains, hitting directly on the face of the figure lying on the bed, he scrunched up his nose in annoyance and frowned cutely before rubbing his eyes and turned his face to other side.

Extending his hand, he roamed it on the bed beside him searching for that one figure. Not finding her there, he sighed deafeatedly and threw his head on the pillow.

"Khushi..." Arnav called out for her.

No response!

Groaning loudly, he again called out for her. "Khushi!!"

He knew she must be busy with some work to not reached out to him up till now otherwise she would hear his voice even from the corest depths of the ground.

"Khushi..." He again called her and this time his efforts were succeeded as her smiling face came into his sight.

"Arnav-ji, you haven't gotten up yet! Are you planning to take an off from your first wife today?" She mocked him, reaching near the bed and glaring down at him with her hands placed on her waist.

Arnav looked up from his pillow towards her and gave her a radiant smile. "You know Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, I don't get up from the bed before getting my 'Good Morning'"

Khushi shook her head. "Today you aren't getting anything. It's Pooja today and I have lots of work to do. Get up and come down in 15 minutes, ok?"

Arnav shook his head stubbornly. "No! Not until I get what I want"

"Come on Arnav-ji, what are you? Seven or eight?"

"Duh! Twenty eight!" He corrected her with a style before holding her hand and pulling her down on him.

Khushi gasped loudly as she came crashing into his hard chest. Arnav, taking advantage of the chance he created for himself, immediately wrapped his arms around her and rolled them over,  getting on top of her and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Khushi whined, pouted, struggled and what not on his childish antics before giving up and wounded her arms around his neck, nuzzling her nose with his hairs.

Breathing in her fresh Jasmin scent, he sighed satisfactory and buried his face more into her neck, desiring to have more and most of her. "I love you dammit!" 

"I love you too!" Khushi smiled brightly.

Switching their positions, Arnav now made her lay beside him, and pulled her into his chest, moulding them together. His lips started moving on her neck to her shoulders, leaving a trail of sensuous kisses behind. His hold tightening on her with every passing second.

"Arnav-ji.." Khushi caressed his hairs softly, trying to divert his attention from her earlobe which he was busy cherishing with his bites, licks and kisses.

Arnav hummed in response not letting go of her even for a second.

"We should get up now, please. I have work to do and you have to get ready for office too."

Arnav cuddled into her even more, hiding his face into her neck and closing his eyes. "10 minutes more please."

Khushi shook her head. "Arnav-ji please na. You have already got your 'Good Morning' now."

Letting out a frustrated groan, Arnav looked up from her neck, not before giving a punishing bite there, and smirked at her. "This is only half of my 'Good Morning'. Where is the other half?"

"You are impossible, seriously!" Khushi glared at him.

"Talk less, action more!" Arnav smiled devilishly, winking at her.

Khushi chukled softly before getting up on her elbow and got on top of him. Arnav immediately wounded his arms around her petite waist nuzzling his nose with hers.

"Good morning!" Khushi wished, placing a sweet kiss on his forehead.

Arnav closed his eyes, cherishing the feeling of her lips against his skin, which send a warm tingling sensation down her whole body.

"Good morning!" Khushi kissed his both eyes this time.

"Good morning Arnav-ji!" Her lips landed on his stubbled cheeks.

"Good morning laad-governor!" She smiled mischeviously, pecking the top of his nose and biting it, avenging for the bite he gave on her neck.

"Good morning love!" She looked into his eyes, before leaning down and placed her soft, warm lips on his rough, cold one.

Arnav smiled into the kiss before deepening it to his heart's content. Taking the charge, he turned the slow, gentle kiss into a fast, passionate one. He nibbled on her lips, licking and sucking them thirstily. Khushi too responded with the same ferventness, meeting his each reckless movement with her calm lips.

And this was it! Arnav Singh Raizada's complete 'Good Morning'. Waking up to an emty bed, sulk on the fact, than called out for his wifey, pull her into his arms, cuddle her to his desired inertia, getting showered by her sweet kisses and than rewarding her with a passionate lip-lock.

It was his 'Good Morning' and he was stubborn enough to get it every single morning!


That's it! Hope you guys like it 😊

Do vote and comment your thoughts about the shot!

Will be waiting for your review:)

Another one is on the way;) Based on the infamous Dewali night.

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