Argument level: Infinity

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"Khushi, I was thinking something." Arnav called out his wife.

Khushi looked up from her phone towards her husband and raised a brow. "What?"

"Would you like to join me for morning jog and exercise from tomorrow?" Arnav asked, passing her a smile.

Khushi's expressions changed from querying to annoyed within a second. Shoting her husband a deathly glare, she thumped down her phone on the bed and stood up with a jerk.

"Why would you offer something like this? You mean to say I have become fat and clunky like an elephant?"

Arnav's jaw dropped low as he saw the angry avatar of her wife. "No Khushi I didn't mean it like that. It's just, exercising and jog is good for health."

"Oh, so that means I am sick?" Khushi gritted her teeth.

Arnav felt like pulling his hair out seeing his wife getting annoyed for no reason. She was being cranky and moody, all blame to her monthly cycle. His fault it was, that he dared to mess up with her at this time.

"No no Khushi, I never meant it like that. It's okay if you don't want to get up so early and-"

"WHAT?" Khushi's piercing screech halted Arnav in between only. He looked at her face to find it going red with anger. "So now you think I am lazy, ha? How dare you laad-governor. You think you are the only early riser and active person in this world?" She snarled.

Arnav's thread of patience was all set to break any moment now. It was hard to keep up with the craziness of a normal Khushi and it was surely hardest to deal with a PMSing Khushi.

"Khushi, you are misunderstanding me. I didn't mean-"

"Bravo bravo!!" Khushi started clapping out of nowhere. A sarcastic expression engulfing her face. "Ahaa, so now I don't understand you, right?"

"I didn't say any of that Khushi." Arnav deadpanned.

"So  am lying?" Khushi put her hands on her waist, all ready to throw a fit.

"What the-! Stop it Khushi. Don't stretch this stupidity. Why are you getting so annoyed for no reason? I just asked a simple question and you started fighting with me." Arnav snapped at her.

Khushi's eyes teared up immediately. Sniffing loudly, she rubbed her nose and eyes with her dupatta and gave her husband a disappointing look.

" Wow Mr. Raizada wow. So now I am a quarrelsome lady. I fight with you for no reason. Isn't that what you mean?" She weeped, uncontrollably.

Arnav's heart twitched with pain seeing his darling wife crying like this. No matter what the situation was, if there was something which he could never ever bear was his Khushi's tears. They killed him likee anything.

Moving forward, he cupped her face in his hands and wiped her tears, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay I am sorry. It's better that I also don't go for jog and exercise." He passed her a smile, trying his best to cheer up her mood.

Khushi narrowed her eyes and pushed off his hands from her face. "See, you never wanted to go yourself. Just wanted to blame me."

"Are you kidding me?" Arnav's patience snapped finally.

"No I am not. You are a jerk and I hate you. You always blame me for your own mistakes." Khushi pushed him.

"What the-! Okay fine, I will go by myself. You just go and sleep. For God sake, forgive me for even asking you to join me. It was my mistake." Arnav rolled his eyes.

"I always knew it. You always go alone everywhere and enjoy. I don't have any value in your life. You don't love me anymore. Hey Devi Maiya, hamari to zindagi hi barbad hogae."

"God dammit!" Arnav cussed loudly. "Stop this, will you woman? I am feeling giddy now."

"See, you are so selfish. Always thinking about yourself. I was right. You don't love me anymore. I hate you." Khushi lamented and ran off to the washroom, closing the door with a loud bang.

Outside, Arnav slumped down on the recliner with his head in hands thinking only one thing,

'Where did I go wrong?'


That's it! Hope you guys liked it😊

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