Taming his lioness!

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Dedicated to

Mayu_Irani 😘😘😘😘

First of all sorry for being so late to give your birthday present *holding my ears* I hope you aren't angry🙏

Happy belated birthday baby💜💜💜 Many many happy returns of the day. May Allah Almighty fullfil all your wishes and prayers😍😍 I wish you to have a blessed, happy, successful and prosperous life ahead! 💖💖💖 I hope you will like this small gift from me!

Now, enjoy!

Now, enjoy!

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"I HATE you!"

A pillow landed on Arnav's face with an insane might, followed by a loud scream making him stumble. Staggering few steps back, he balanced himself somehow and than glared at his wife, with flared nose.

"Stop it, you crazy woman!" Arnav fumed.

Khushi's jaw dropped, almost hitting the floor below. "How DARE you?" She pushed him on his chest. "You called me crazy? ME? ME? Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada?"

Arnav gulped, mentality wincing on the sharp daggers his fierce Khushi was shooting at him. "Ye--yes! Beca--because you also--throw a pi--pillow on my face." He stuttered, trying to justify the crime he committed.

Khushi gritted her teeth. "I did that because I am angry with you dammit! You lied to me. You broke your promise of a dinner with me."

"Khush, how many times should I apologise for that? I admit it's my mistake. But trust me jaan, I didn't do it intentially. A meeting came up and I legit lost the track of time. I am so sorry for that. I promise, I will make it up to you." Arnav repeated the same words, which he was uttering since the moment he had stepped inside the room.

Khushi stared at him sharply, before fisting her hands and punched the air, obviously imagining it as her husband. Arnav involuntarily took few steps back, not really wanting a black eye and broken nose.

"I DON'T want your sorry Mr. Raizada! I want only one thing right now and that is, you out of my room."

Now this surely stirred the wrong nerve of ASR. Putting all the cautions aside, he marched towards his wife threateningly causing her to falter and took immediate steps back, looking away from his eyes.

"This.is.my.room.too.Khushi.Kumari.Gupta.Singh.Raizada!" Arnav bit out, towering above the petite frame of his wife.

Gathering all the courage, Khushi looked up and stare right back into his eyes bravely. "N-no. This is on-only my room."

"Oh really?" Arnav cocked a brow. "And who the hell told you this shitty joke?" He mocked.

His sarcastic tone made Khushi so angry. Grounding her teeth, she raised her hand to punch his nose but stopped mid-way and instead pointed a finger towards him. "You, Arnav Singh Raizada, need to stop trying to be smart. I am your wife, so I am the boss here and you have to obey my words."

This time, Arnav chukled loudly clearly enjoying the crazy antics of his cute wife. Raising his own hand, he held her finger which was pointed towards his face and put it down. "I am the husband, wifey and you should obey me otherwise I will complain to bua-ji that her Sankadewi misbehaves with damad-ji!" He spoke, wiggling his brows suggestively.

Khushi widened her eyes, breathing heavily. "You! You are threatening me? And that too again? I will kill you." She literally jumped on him, trying to hold his hairs to pull them off when Arnav clasped her wrists and smirked evilly.

"I won't mind, you being the boss on our bed and kill me with your skill full hands and seductive tongue."

Now, this surely did the job. Khushi turned beet-root red with shyness and lowered her eyes with her fluttering lashes and quivering lips.

"Ar--Arnavji you.."

Arnav took a step towards her, proudly smirking at the effect he had on her. "Yes Khushi? Me what?"

Khushi continued to move back. Their usual dance of 'moving back and coming forward' went on until her back collided with the wardrobe. She sunk back into it, clutching the sides of her dress and closing her eyes.

Arnav leaned down towards her face, giving his infamous lop-sided smile and placed his both hands on either side of her head.

"Ar--Arnavji you--" Khushi tried to speak but her words were cut short as Arnav's sinful lips landed on her neck.

He kissed the crook of her neck followed by a bite. He licked the same spot sensually soothing the pleasureable pain making his wife shuddered uncontrollably. He than moved downwards kissing, biting and licking all the way giving dark red hickeys all over the place, claiming his rights on his Khushi, all over again.

"Still angry on me?" He husked in her ears, giving open mouth kisses on her neck and cleavage, causing Khushi's senses to go haywire. She let out a loud moan, throwing her head back giving her husband more access to devour her.

"Still angry Khushi?" Arnav repeated his question, placing his one hand on her waist and other on his neck, rubbing the places seductively.

"No..no..no!" Khushi breathed out, panting badly.

Arnav smiled devilishly, at the success of his plan. "Good! Because I wanted you to be fully willing and ready for the night ahead."

And with that, he picked Khushi in his arms and threw her on the bed, getting on top of her.

"Get angry on my more often sweetheart. It will give me chances to do this." He whispered in her ears before moving back and slammed his lips on hers, taking her into a mind numbing kiss.

And Arnav Singh Raizada wasn't termed as the 'best husband of the world' without a reason. He clearly knew how to tame his angry lioness!


That's it!! Hope you guys like it 😊

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