Forbidden Kiss (2)

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Halting the car in the middle of an isolated road, Arnav got out of his seat not before giving a look to Khushi, making her shudder with fear and anticipation. He came towards her side, opened the door and grasped her hand in his, pulling her out of the seat, before closing the door and pinning her to it.

"Ar--Arnavji, why have you bo--bought me here?" Khushi stammered, looking in his angry eyes, with her own reflecting nervousness.

"Because you have been acting like an immature child, ignoring my calls Khushi. What were you actually thinking doing all this? That you will be successful in avoiding me? Don't you know who am I and what I am capable of doing? Did you really think that I will let you slip away from me so easily? Did you really think that I will forget what we shared last night and allow you to do so too? You are a delusional fool if you thought so Khushi Kumari Gupta! "  Arnav snarled, glaring down at her.

Khushi flinched at the choice of his words and looked away, trying to avoid his intimidating gaze as tears welled up in her eyes. The sheer intensity, with which his captivating orbs were boring into hers, was enough to crack her brawny resolve of staying away. His eyes were peeking right into her soul and heart, trying to find out the truth.

"I--i don't know what you are saying Arnav-ji! Please move aside and let me go!" Khushi spoke in a low voice, looking everywhere except him and tried to walk past him.

This didn't settle well with Arnav. His jaw stiffened with fury and restlessness. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back and slammed her back on the car making Khushi wince. He plastered his whole body to hers, not allowing her to move an inch.

"! You can't get rid of me untill I am alive Khushi!"

Khushi's breath hitched in her throat as the insensitivity of his words hit her hard. What was he saying? What was he trying to imply? She wasn't a kid to not understand his real motives. He was ready to give up his life to have her for himself.

A jolt of fear ran through her spine as the gravity of situation dawned upon her. It wasn't as easy as she had thought it to be. Arnav Singh Raizada was a stubborn man and Khushi had dared to forget it. He had always get what he had desired and she herself, was the witness of many such events. Khushi felt like she was standing with  over a landmine which could burst any minute as soon she would pull back her foot.

"Arnavji, pl--please try to unders--"

"NO KHUSHI!" He roared, punching his hand on the car. "You try to understand. Whatever you are doing won't take us anywhere. It's us who will be effected in the worst possible ways with all this shit. You and me! What we shared last night was magical. Something which we both had wanted. It was our feelings for each other which resulted in the kiss and--"

"IT WAS A MISTAKE!" Khushi cut him off, screaming loudly. She looked up in his eyes with a determination etched in her own and spoke rigidly. "It was a mistake and nothing else. A mistake we committed in a moment of weakness. A harmonal rush! It meant nothing to me. I am very ashamed of myself for participating in it and even more ashamed, for allowing you to do so. Just forget about it Arnav-ji. You and Lavanya-ji are in a relationship. It would be better if you concentrate on her."

Arnav couldn't hide the pain that flashed in his eyes. Was it really too easy for her to forget everything and advice him to do so too? The kiss that they shared was full of love, longing and acceptance, isn't!? Why was his Khushi being so stubborn, so heartless? How could she call their love profession a mistake?

Just the thought of a life without her was enough to choke the life out of Arnav. He found it difficult to breath. His eyes misted with angry unshed tears. The hurt was gradually getting replaced by fury, obsession and possessiveness. Arnav Singh Raizada would be damned if he ever let go of the only woman, he desired to death, from his life.

"I can't believe it's you Khushi. What has happened to you? When did you become so cruel, so ignorant? It was always the other way around. It was always me who acted like a monster towards you and made a joke of our feelings. Why are you behaving like me? Don't do this Khushi. Please! It would tarnish your innocence. Please accept your feelings. Don't deny them. It would damage both of us." Arnav said desperately, cupping her face in his palms.

Khushi blinked her eyes rapidly trying to fight back the tears. She was breaking inside. It was getting hard to keep up the mask but she had to. She couldn't betray her best friend.

Khushi shoved his hands away from her face and glared at Arnav. "What feelings are you talking about Mr.Raizada? In which misconception you are? I don't feel anything for you, neither I had in the past, nor I will in the future. Stop daydreaming and leave me alone in peace. You are suffocating me like this. Stop forcing me and trying to get what you want. It couldn't be always like you like to. I am not a robot nor a plastic doll. You can't control me. You can't make decisions on my behalf. I will do whatever I want to and this is the last time I am going to say this. I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING FOR YOU AND WHATEVER WE DID LAST NIGHT WAS A SIN! A MISTAKE A--"

Khushi was cut off as a visibly enraged Arnav, with clutched jaws and ferocious eyes, snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her in his chest roughly. Without giving her a chance to react, he slammed his lips on hers taking her in a rough punishing kiss. Arnav kissed her almost desperately pouring all his anger, love, possessiveness and frustration in it. He bit, suck, nibble and lick her lips continuously not giving Khushi a single chance to register the happenings. He was literally going mad with desire and recklessness. Her continuous rejection of her feelings had ticked a wrong nerve in him.

Khushi had frozen the moment his lips had collided with hers. She was unable to register anything. Her mind was in a haywire. She was standing like a statue, with her arms hanging on her sides while Arnav was busy with his assault on her lips, taking in his desired fill.

After what felt like eternity, Arnav pulled back. His eyes darted towards her thoroughly kissed lips and his heart bursted with pride. He was the only man who could do this to her. Period!

Leaning forward, Arnav rested his forehead on hers. His arms, on their own accord, went around her waist pulling her into his chest. Khushi didn't struggle at all. Her eyes were closed and she was panting badly.

"I love you, Khushi."

A hoarse whisper fell in her ears and Khushi's eyes shot open. A wave of current passed through her body, making her tremble. She couldn't believe her ears. Her knees felt weak and if not for Arnav's hold around her, she would have definitely fell down.

Her heart was shaking like a leaf. The world around her was revolving and the man standing in front of her, was gazing right into her eyes, casting a spell over her.

She was loosing herself! Arnav Singh Raizada had successfully undid her knots!


That's it!!!

*Dhun dhun dhun* Evil music in background.

Ahh! A cliffhanger! After so long!! I am feeling so devil right now 😈😂

How was the shot peeps? Hope you guys like it 😊

What do you think will happen next? What would be Khushi's reaction to the love confession?

Let's wait and find out in the next/last shot! 😁

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the update!

Will be waiting for your reviews:)

Bye bye!

See y'all soon 😛

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