Oh uh..

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Dedicated to

Mitalchauhan8 💕💕


MrsASR 😬😬

MrsASR 😬😬

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After a heated argument, which wasn't a new thing at all, Arnav and Khushi weren't on talking terms. It all started from when Khushi tried to convince her husband to sit for the pooja but Arnav being the ASR he was, denied her straight away declaring that all this was nothing but a wastage of time and jargonal.

"You know I don't believe in all this shit Khushi. Don't try to coax me for something I am not at all interested in." Arnav spoke.

Khushi fumed at his choice of words so badly. She gritted her teeth, flared her nostrils and raises up her hand to punch him right into the face but stopped herself somehow and punched in the air instead, obviously imagining it as her rakshas husband.

Arnav rolled his eyes at her. He circled his finger near his temple and pointed at Khushi, giving her a very clear message that he thinks of her as nothing but a certified crazy girl.

Now this didn't settle well with Khushi at all. Her husband had pushed her wrong buttons. She so desperately wanted to hit him left, right and center so he won't dare to call her mad ever again. But patidharam came in between and poor wifey could do nothing except punching the mattress and throwing daggers at Arnav.

"If you are done now then I really want to sleep Khushi." Arnav said feigning boredom.

Khushi's eyes welled up in a split second seeing his nonchalant behavior. She let out a wet sigh and snapped angrily. "I will never ever talk again with a stubborn and egoistic man like you ever again. Don't even try to address me with this hawkish tongue of yours ever. I will not listen instead I will put fingers in my ears if you try to defy."

Arnav nodded his head and bowed his head a little as if accepting her demands. Khushi twitched her mouth and fell back on the bed covering herself with the quilt from head to toe.

Arnav glanced at her for a moment and then got down from the bed. Picking up a pen and post-it-note from the small table, he scribbled something on it.

'I have a very important meeting at 9 am sharp. Wake me up by 8 in the morning'

Reaching to Khushi's side of the bed, Arnav knocked her covered head with his finger twice since he couldn't address her with his tongue. Khushi jerked the blanket away from her face and breathed fire like a dragon at her husband who was towering above her lying form.

Arnav showed the note to her and slammed it down on the bedside table. Khushi read it with haughty expressions as if she was doing a great favor on him and nodded her head with pursed lips and puffed up cheeks.

Now you must be thinking that why Arnav didn't set an alarm and instead his wife to wake him up. Well, one can say that after their marriage, Khushi was the one to act as his personal alarm clock and the real alarm clock was excluded out of the options xD.


Next morning Arnav woke up to the sun shining brightly direct at his face. His eyes flew towards the clock and widened in shock as he saw the needles reading 10.

"What the fuck!?" Throwing the quilt away from his body, Arnav stood up from the bed.

Immediately his eyes met with his wife's. Shaking in extreme rage, Arnav marched towards her like a predator. "Why didn't you wake me up dammit? I told you Khushi I had a very important meeting." He yelled at her.

Khushi fumed at his audacity to scream at her. She placed a finger on her lips indicating him to shut the hell up and marched towards his bedside table. She picked up a piece of paper from there and walked back towards her husband who was witnessing all this with utter confusion.

"Khushi what-"

Arnav words died in his throat as his wife held his hand and thrusted the note in it. With frowned brows, he take a look at the contents and huge groan left his throat.

The paper read,

'Wake up laad-governor, it's already 8'o clock.'

And well, if you thought that Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada was any less than her husband in stubbornness and ego, than duh. You were absolutely wrong❌


That's it! Hope you guys like it:)

Don't forget yo VOTE and COMMENT your thoughts about the shot. It motivates me to write more.

Will be waiting for your reviews.

Next shot of  "Sathiyawill be delayed to the mid of next week. Sorry for that but some personal commitments have come up. I hope you guys will understand.

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