As sweet as jalebi

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Love you guys loads😍😍

Styling his hair back with the gel, Arnav stopped and took a look at himself in the mirror before he picked up the bottle of cologne from the dresser and sprayed it over him. He than picked up the cuff-links and set them in his sleeves and buttoned up. Turning around, he picked up the tie from the small table beside the dressing and put it around his neck to when out of nowhere, two hands came from behind and covered his eyes.

Arnav startled for s microsecond before a beautiful smile bloomed over his lips as the familiarity of the touch scented him. His heart bloomed in happiness like every time when his wife was near him. Her small palms were placed over his eyes and the warmth, softness and fragrance emitting from them were slowly seeping inside his body. A wave of peace and tranquility surging through his strong frame turning it into jelly. That was the effect, her simplest of touch had over him.

"Guess who is it?!" Her cheerful voice echoed in his ears.

Arnav chukled inwardly at his wife's innocence and childishness. She and her cute antics! Acting like a three year old who wanted to surprise her mother. Does she really think he can't recognize her touch? Oh dammit! She is really very inerrant if she thinks so. He can get acquainted to her touch even in his sleep. His heart best in sync with hers.

"My Khushi.." Arnav breathed out, smiling softly. He held her palms which were covering his eyes and bought down to his lips, placing long, loving pecks over them.

Giggling like a teenager, Khushi hugged him from behind and squeezed herself to him, taking in his warmth which she was missing at her parent's house.

"Correct answer! You will get a reward for this." She placed a kiss on his back, still laughing.

Happiness was seeping out of every fibre of her body. Happiness of seeing him after two whole days, happiness of being close to him, happiness of feeling his kisses, happiness of being in his embrace, happiness of being able to touch him, happiness of getting showered in his love, happiness of being close to her Arnav-ji again.

Arnav held her wrist and turned around, coming face to face with her. Smiles reflect in their eyes and lips as they gazed at each other with so much desperation and longing as if it wasn't a two-days separation but two-years.

"I missed you Khush. I love you so much dammit!" Arnav husked in an impassioned voice.

Khushi blushed under his intense gaze and placed her hands over his chest shyly. " I missed you too. Aur hum bhi apsy I love you dammit!"

Arnav crushed her in his arms, hugging her tightly to his chest. He dipped his face in her hairs and inhaled deeply, taking in her usual but intoxicating Jasmin scent. As her fragrance seeped inside his body, he felt alive and active all over again.

"I am NOT allowing you to go and stay at your bua-ji's place anymore Khushi. I can't do it without you woman. You have casted a spell over me. Mami says it right, tum ny mjh p jadu kya hua hai." He frowned like an angry kid and kissed her neck multiple times.

Khushi laughed heartily at this and pulled back from the hug, holding his both cheeks in her hand, pulling them mischeviously. "You are so cute Arnav-ji."

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