His love for her!

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Thank you so much dearies for all the love you guys have been showering on my stories 😘😘😘 Means alot to me!

This one got a little lengthy, almost become an OS. But yeah, I got the idea for this one too while lying on the bed😋



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"Aik qadam bhi agay barhaya to jaan nikal donga, tmhry bhi aur apni bhi..(If you dare take one more step ahead, I will suck the life out you as well as mine..)" His dangerously low voice fell in Khushi's ears, causing her to shiver momentarily and halt on her steps.

The hidden threat behind his words was clearly visible to her. Khushi felt a current running down her spine. A fearful tingling sensation acquired in the pit of her stomach, causing it to churn. Goosebumps erupted all over her body which was already going numb with the coldness of his voice. Khushi took a sharp intake of breath as the gravity of his words hit her hard. She knew it wasn't an empty threat. She knew he would do what he was saying.

Why is he so stubborn? Her heart cried. Why isn't he understanding my plight?

She turned around to face Arnav. An involuntarily gasp left her mouth. His mouth was blood-shot red, pooling with anguished tears. But that wasn't what shocked Khushi. It was the madness, the ferocious glint in his eyes which shocked her. They were the eyes of an obsessed and possessive lover. One, who can't live without his other half.

"Arnavji you--"

"I mean it Khushi.Arnav.Singh. Raizada!" He hissed, stressing on her name joined with his. "I don't want a life where you aren't there with me. Tum nhi to kuch bhi nhi.(If not you, than nothing else matters.) I will kill myself but not before killing you too. I won't leave you here behind me for some other man. You are mine. Only mine! If not in this life, than for sure life after death. But I won't let you go! Never ever!"

Khushi quivered visibly, as the intensity of his words hit her like a slap. She closed her eyes and allowed few more tears to roll down. The ache in her heart intensifying with every passing second. She felt it difficult to breath, suddenly. Everything was suffocating around her. Dark clouds of pain and sufferance, hovering over.

Why was he making it more difficult for her when it already was? Why wasn't he understanding that just the thought of leaving him was poisoning her but even then she was doing it, for the betterment of everyone, especially Anjali di..

Shaking her head, Khushi took a deep breath trying to calm her raging nerves and moved towards her husband, who was busy throwing daggers at her.

"Arnavji listen to me please. I know it's difficult but believe me I am doing this for di onl--"

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