Chapter 1 - Summertime

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I've always loved summers in Southern California. It's hot, the beaches are packed, and school fucks back off to Neverland for a couple of months. I was laying in bed with my huge husky, Max and watching YouTube on my laptop, when my mother, called me from downstairs.

"Eren! Come put away your laundry. You're not allowed to go out until it's all folded and put away, so I would get on that."

"Ugh," I groaned. "Fine, whatever." I stood and stumbled downstairs.

"Mikasa, same goes to you, young lady."

"Sure thing, Mom," Mikasa said quietly taking her basket and retreating to ber bedroom.

I took my laundry basket as well and darted upstairs to put it away. Levi was on his way and I wanted to finish up everything before he got here so we could just go.

Of course it didn't work out that way.

"Eren fucking Jaeger are you not done with your fucking laundry yet?" Levi's familiar voice called from the bottom of the stairs. Honestly, he got on my ass about cleanliness and chores more than my own mother did. I heard his light agile footsteps, storming upstairs towards me.

"Hey, Levi. How was work?" I asked, folding a tee shirt.

"Fan-fucking-tastic, brat," Levi said playfully, pulling me into a quick kiss, before taking the shirt out of my hands and folding it himself. He was an expert at all things housekeeping, and while I tried to keep a straight room, I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it as Levi.

"Levi if I were to catch you jacking it to a windex bottle, I wouldn't even be fucking surprised."

Levi shot me a cold glare with his intense silver eyes before returning to his folding. He started shaking.

"Eren, I swear to fucking God," he muttered, holding his laughter back. He put a my last article of big clothing in the drawer, before bursting into giggles. "I love you so much!" He wheezed between peals of laughter. I chuckled along, and soon we were both cracking up, Levi leaning on me for support. When we finally calmed down Levi smirked. "You really know how to turn a shitty day around, Jaeger. You're so fucking perfect."

"I know," I joked. Levi didn't look amused. "Why did you have a shitty day? What happened?" Levi took my hand and smiled.

"Not important. I'm with you now. It doesn't matter anymore. I love you." Levi pulled me into a slow, sweet kiss. He stepped me back, gently pushing me onto the bed and crawling onto my lap. He pulled back and left kisses all up and down my neck.

"Babe," I whispered. "My mom is in this house." Levi smirked.

"I know, I know," Levi complained. "How about we finish folding your clothes and get outta here?"

"Sure," I nodded. "Am I allowed to help?"

"Absolutely not. You're just gonna fold it all wrong and it's gonna keep me up at night."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Yes! I hate it when clothing isn't folded right. Knowing yours isn't is literally the worst."

"Well, damn, okay then. I'll just sit here, I guess." I crossed my legs and brought them up onto my bed.

"Knock, knock," I heard my mother's voice say from outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah, come in," I responded. My mother stepped inside my bedroom."

"Oh you better not be making Levi do all your laundry. That's hardly fair," my mother reprimanded.

"But he doesn't let me! He says I do it wrong!"I defended, pointing at Levi, who was still silently folding my clothes. My mother looked at him, questioning. He nodded and continued with his work.

"Okay, well, Mika and Sasha and I are gonna be on that trip for the weekend. You're gonna be okay with him at your place, Levi?"

"I'm fine, thanks, Carla. I can handle him. I'll keep him outta trouble."

"Thank you, Levi."

"Sure," he smiled, folding the last pair of socks. "You ready to go?" I nodded, excited for the opportunity to prove myself to my mother. She had agreed to let me spend the summer at Levi's house, as a sort of 'trial' for when I would live with Levi full time. He had asked me to move in with him when I graduated and my mother wanted me to prove myself before she felt good about it. I didn't have to pack anything, because I had plenty of clothes at his apartment.

"Come here, Eren," my mother said, opening her arms for me. I pulled my mother into a tight hug. " You're such a good kid. I have so much faith in you. I'm proud of you, Eren."

"I love you," I said. My mother took my face into her hands.

"Be good," she said. I looked down at her. I noticed that she was shorter than Levi as she pulled back from me and gave Levi a hug as well. Levi stiffened, but hugged her back. "I love you boys."

"Love you too, Mom."

"Thanks, Carla. I like you a lot as well," Levi said politely. I knew he was hesitant to admit he loved anybody, so I smirked and took his hand. "You ready, Love?"

I nodded and started for the door with him. Levi opened the door for me and we walked out to Levi's cheap sedan. I sat in the passenger seat and Levi took my hand as he pulled out of my mother's driveway.

"Baby, I'm so fucking excited," Levi uncharacteristically gushed, his eyes lit up with a childlike vigor. He pulled his hand away and rested it on my thigh.

"Me too," I said, matching his enthusiasm. His face was resting with a warm contentment as he stared ahead driving to his shared apartment. Throughout the whole drive, Levi's hand was strategically creeping up my thigh. He squeezed up the rest of my thigh and I groaned, glaring at him.

"What?" he joked. "Something bugging you?" Levi squeezed my thigh, biting his lip in a mocking smirk. He turned away from me, leaving his hand on my thigh. "Goddammit! We found the fucking traffic!"

I glared at him sarcastically. "Too bad," I mocked, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Whatcha doin' there, Jaeger?" Levi smiled.

I decided that the best answer was not to answer him with my words. I tipped his head towards me and brought him into a kiss. He almost instantly responded, kissing me back. Levi slowly slid his tongue into my mouth and pulled me by my hips onto his lap.

"I like where this is going, Jaeger."

I met our mouths again and wrapped my arms around his neck. I ran my fingertips through his hair and got a firm hold on him by his hair.

"This is gonna be the best summer ever," I said in a sultry voice, my lips touching his ear.

"Fuck, you do all kinds of shit to me. I never plan to be this easy, ya know, but seriously I would fuck you right here and now if you asked for it." I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"As much as I would so be down for some backseat car sex, I'd prefer living. We're literally on the freeway, Levi. Getting into the back seat would be a terrible idea."

"I'm not talking about moving to the back seat. I trust my diving skills. I've done this before."

"Had sex and driven at the same time? Is that even a thing?!" I asked, genuinely curious. Somehow the mood wasn't lost. It had just moved to tbe back burner while I asked a side question.

Levi nodded gravely. "Yeah. It takes a shit ton of self control and self awareness, but it can be done."

"I kinda wanna test that," I whispered, trailing my fingers down, resting my hands on his waist. Levi nudged the car forward to keep up with the traffic.

"Wanna bet on it?" He said, biting his lip and checking his mirrors.

"You're on."

"Fine but we're gonna do this again someday when you're driving."

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