Chapter 3 - An Argument

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"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, hugging my boyfriend tight. "Congratulations!" He hugged me back stiffly. "Are you gonna take it?"

"That's what I wanna talk to you about," Levi sighed, pulling back. "I just moved all the way out here so we wouldn't have to be apart. If I took this scholarship, it would be all for naught."

"I wouldn't say that. We got six months together that we wouldn't have gotten if you hadn't come out here. Besides, when I graduate high school, I can move out east with you. If my mom lets me," I chuckled, thinking about my overly protective mother. She nearly had an anuerism when I introduced the idea of staying with Levi for the summer. Now I would be moving back to the other side of the country with him. It wasn't that she had anything against Levi. She loved him. She just didn't trust me with addictive substances, and the odds of me doing shit like that was higher if I was away from her. She didn't realize how crushed Levi would be if he caught me doing shit like that. I was terrified to even go to parties, lest I break down from the peer pressure and pick up an old habit. Levi was fragile in that regard. He had been sober for less time than I had been. He had just barely gotten his red token from Alcoholics Anonymous. I was two weeks away from getting my blue token.

"But I didn't think it was going to be so brief. I think Petra will stay here, though. She hated the cold. She didn't get to wear her booty shorts without freezing her ass off. I think she likes the sunshine, too. But, my question is, would you be okay if I took the scholarship?"

"Levi, don't worry about me. Take the scholarship if that's what you want to do. I shouldn't be a factor in this equation. I shouldn't even be a side note. If you wanna take that scholarship, I'll find a way to be okay with it, because I know you would do the same for me."

"This isn't about what I want. I don't wanna leave you if you aren't on board with it. I don't wanna leave you if you need me."

"Levi, I'm always gonna need you. You need to chase your dreams. I know you wanna be an attorney. I can cope for a year if you take the scholarship. I can go to a community college or take online classes, but I'll move up there when I graduate high school. It isn't that big of a deal. Of course I don't want you to leave, but I want you to do what will help you chase your dreams. I wouldn't feel right holding you back like that."

"It isn't like that, Eren," Levi muttered. "You wouldn't be holding me back from anything. There are plenty of other schools with law programs, and besides, Harvard probably took one look at my last name and gave me the scholarships. I have exceptional grades, but that doesn't get you a full ride to Harvard Law. Only the true savants get full fucking rides. I'm nowhere near that level. A 32 on the ACT doesn't mean jack shit. It's all about who you know, and I'm a fucking Ackerman."

"Yeah, but not everybody gets that oppertunity. If you want it, don't even think twice about me. I'll find a way to cope with you gone."

"No. I want you to be okay. I don't want you to have to suffer while I'm away, and if you even think about touching a drop while I'm gone, I'm getting on a plane to beat your ass and moving back. If you think you can't do it without me around to keep you in line, then I'm not going."

Oh. That was why he was being so adamant. He didn't want me to fall off the wagon. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the merit in his fear. I had only stopped drinking because Levi was so broken the last time he found out I had. I'd never forget the crushed look on his face as he broke down in front of me. It was more heartwrenching and emotional than any other time he had cried. I could see the life fading from his eyes as he cried. I don't think it was just the beer I had drank that was killing him inside. I remember the look on his face when he sobbed about not being able to save me. I think he thought that he could solve everything for me and be my knight in shining armor. The realization that he couldn't broke him a little inside.

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