Chapter 22 - Awkward Encounters

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"So, Levi," Isabel started, tossing Levi her car keys, which he caught without even looking in her direction, "Pick Poppy up whenever, but daycare gets out at three. Farlan is gonna take me to work when he gets back, and then go and do some shopping. You'll basically have the place to yourselves when we leave. Two rules: One, if you drink the booze or smoke the bud, you better be planning on replacing it. Two, no interesting stains anywhere when we get back." I turned bright pink at her blatant implications. "Farlan should be getting back any minute. Feel free to put your bags in the other bedroom." Isabel pointed up the stairs at the bedroom where Levi and I would be staying for two weeks.

"Okay, thanks," Levi answered. Isabel and Farlan had a nice home for how young they were. It wasn't the Biltmore or anything, but it was a three bedroom house that was in one of the safest neighborhoods in Denver. I was impressed that a couple barely older than Levi and me could afford something like that. We carried our bags up the stairs and set them on the floor in the tidy guest bedroom. Taking my hand abruptly, Levi's eyes focused on something outside of the open bedroom door. Across the hall where Levi was staring, was a door that was barely cracked, but inside was obviously pink walls, like a little girl lived there. "I- I-" he swallowed thickly before continuing. "That must be her room."

"Yeah. Do you wanna go look?" I asked, looking down at him. His distraught grey eyes only continued staring, their gaze locked on his daughter's bedroom, unwavering. He didn't respond, almost like he hadn't even heard me; he clutched my hand tighter. So slowly, I wasn't sure if he was actually moving or if I had imagined it, he shook his head.

"I can't," He whispered, snapping out of his daze and closing the door to our bedroom. He shook his head with more vigor to reassure himself that he didn't need to go inside.

"Whenever you're ready," I mumbled. There was a long pause before any of us spoke again.

"Farlan is probably gonna be back soon," Levi started, his voice back to normal. "Let's get back downstairs."

"Way to change the subject," I said crossly.

"Yup," Levi responded, pulling me out of the bedroom and down the stairs before he had the chance to get another look at Poppy's bedroom through the cracked door.

"You guys all settled in?" Isabel asked. "Can I get you anything?"

Levi and I both shook our heads. "Thanks, though," I voiced.

"What's wrong with Levi?" Isabel asked, walking up to him and taking his face in her hands. He flinched away.

"Nothing, Jesus, Iz. Stop being so fucking nosy."

"You're such an asshole," Isabel pouted.

"You act like that's news," Levi fired back. I stood there awkwardly, unsure what to say.

"Fuck, I missed you," she giggled, planting her forehead on Levi's shoulder.

"You too, brat," Levi scoffed, patting her head. "I fucking hate you sometimes."

"Yeah? Well, the feeling is mutual, dipshit," I was at a loss for words, bewilderment obvious in my expression. Their relationship dynamic was too much for me to comprehend, and it clearly wasn't very healthy. "You're welcome to sit on the couch if you want. Farlan is on his way." We all made our way to the small grey couch. Levi put his arm around me as we sat down. "So how'd y'all meet?" 

"Treatment," Levi answered blankly.

"Maybe you have a better answer, Eren, because Levi is obviously unavailable at the moment. How'd you two meet?" Isabel asked again, turning to me. Levi shot her a glare.

"We were roommates. Actually, we hated each other's guts until we were handcuffed to each other for an intervention," I said with a smile.

"That's adorable!" Levi's ex beamed, tugging on her braids and tilting her head back. "And you're taking good care of him for us?"

"Mhm," I answered with a nod, looking over to my fiancee for assurance. He nodded absently.

"Good, good." There was a brief lull in the conversation before the front door opened. Instantly Levi shot up from the couch and snapped towards the disturbance in the atmosphere.

"F-Farlan," he murmured, frozen in place again. The tall young man with the sandy blonde hair nearly passed out when he saw Levi. Farlan's eyes were wide and slowly glossing over. Levi's eyes briefly met mine before he stumbled towards his old friend with benefits. Levi was right: they were both gorgeous. Farlan quickly closed the distance between them with long strides, as he took Levi's face in his hand, fluidly tipping his chin up and meeting their lips. Isabel and my jaws hit the ground. Levi all but sprang backwards, clamping a hand over his mouth.

"Jesus, fuck, I am so sorry," Farlan gasped, snapping back to attention, touching his own lips.

"Like we weren't expecting that," Isabel muttered, rolling her eyes and folding her arms. I was still totally in shock.

"What? I briefly forgot that wasn't allowed anymore," Farlan grinned at Isabel, who was acting oddly calm for somebody who had just been visibly cheated on.

"Yeah, yeah, dumbass. God, I wish you could grow some braincells back. He's taken, idiot," Isabel argued. "As in, we can't do anything like that anymore." It finally dawned on me that they had probably all had sex with each other at once at some point, which would explain why Isabel wasn't offended, and why Farlan wasn't apologizing to her. "I'm so sorry, Eren. You probably feel super awkward jumping into all of this."

"I-" I started to say as Levi returned to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you two," Levi snapped. "Like, I fucking missed you, but please try not to threaten Eren. Thanks. No more kissing. And absolutely no three ways. I'm with Eren now. Didn't think I needed to explain that."

"No- I mean obviously. Sorry, Levi. I just kinda lost it for a sec," Farlan apologized again bashfully, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. It was clear who was in charge in this weird friendship dynamic. Levi dominated everything. He seemed to call all the shots.

"You should be. How do you think Eren feels?" He snapped. "Let's retry this without any unexpected kissing." Levi left my side and went in for a hug. Farlan hugged him back, patting his head. "I missed you, dude."

"You too, Levi. It's been too long."

"Yeah." They stood there for a second longer before Levi pulled away. "Okay, hug's over. I missed both of you little shits."

"We missed you too," Isabel grinned. "And it's great to meet you, Eren."

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Farlan smiled, extending a hand. I took it, mostly over what had just happened. I had mentally prepared myself for something like this happening while we were staying with two of Levi's exes that were both still into him. 

"Nice to meet you, too," I beamed back, truly happy to meet two people who were so important to my fiancee. That didn't mean I was unaware that I had competition. It was going to be a long two weeks.

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