Chapter 24 - Tea Parties

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After the initial shock of meeting Levi's exes, they really started to grow on me. Farlan seemed quieter and more emotional, even though most of the time, he was just as stone faced as Levi. Isabel was brash and noisy with a severe competitive streak, though she always seemed to back down if Levi stepped in. I did end up really liking them both though. They were both so different, but it looked good on them. They were a lot of fun, and both of them had big hearts. Poppy was also quickly warming up to me. She had given me a good night kiss the night prior, which had shocked the entire family. 

About half a week into our visit, we were all sitting on the couch, Poppy on Levi's lap when Poppy suddenly looked up at her father, her grey eyes glittering. "Can you be a princess? I wanna play!"

Levi scoffed, smiling wide at his daughter. "Yeah. Do you still have my stuff?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Poppy sprang off of Levi's lap and darted upstairs as fast as her little legs would carry her. Farlan smirked at Isabel knowingly, nudging her with his elbow. Before long, she returned with her arms full, a sparkly tiara on her head.

"What's goin' on?" I asked quietly.

"A tea party," Isabel giggled, pushing her long hair behind her shoulder and glancing up at her husband again. Levi got on his knees off of the couch, lowering his head so that Poppy could put a tiara on his head.

"Put it on!" She squealed, handing her father a bright pink tutu.

"Okay, gimme just a sec. Dad isn't as young as he used to be."

"Oh don't even play that game," Farlan piped up. "I'm the elder here."

"You didn't do as many drugs as me. Sometimes I feel like I'm eighty years old," Levi said, only half kidding.

"Ew, that's lame. Soon enough you'll be taking viagra," Isabel came back. 

"Ooh! Ouch!" I exclaimed, lifting my hand to high five Poppy's mother. 

"You guys are f- you guys suck," Levi said, trying to avoid curse words around his toddler as he slipped his tutu on.

"Hey! You're the one that said they felt like they were eighty," Isabel justified.

"Well at least I'm a princess," Levi flaunted, tipping his tiara at us all and dropping into a curtsy. I couldn't hold back the laughter at my fiancee's antics. "Isn't that right, Poppy?" The little girl nodded smiling up at Levi. "Let's go have a tea party without these losers."

"Wait! Can everybody else come too?" Poppy asked as Levi lifted her into his arms.

"Ugh!" Levi groaned. "Fine. Come on, brats. Let's have a tea party." We all stood and followed them upstairs into Poppy's bright bedroom.

Sitting on the floor around Poppy's small tea table, the tea party commenced. I had never done something like this before, so I just pretended to sip at the imaginary tea with my pinkie out. We sat there for a long time, playing  with Poppy before she started to get tired. Apparently toddlers tend to crash and burn when they get tired. The little girl finished her imaginary tea and planted her forehead into the table, exhausted.

"Looks like it's naptime," Farlan chuckled softly. Isabel gently lifted Poppy, carrying her over to her bed and setting her down before planting a quick kiss on her forehead. We stood up and walked out of the room, careful not to disturb Poppy as she tried to sleep. Levi stood outside of Poppy's bedroom door, quietly closing it before turning to the rest of us.

"You make a hot princess," I remarked, winking at my fiancee. Levi rolled his eyes at me, quickly kissing my shoulder.

"Whatever," he muttered. There was a brief pause before Levi continued. "Isabel, I'm sorry for being such an ass all the time. You're a great mom. Thanks for doing such a good job with our baby."

"What? Levi's apologizing?" Isabel joked. "I'm just kidding. Thank you Levi. That means more than you realize." She pulled Levi into a tight hug, resting her chin on his head. "I love you so much."

"You too, kid," Levi mumbled back. "You guys are my best friends. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you two, and then I never woulda met that skinny fucker that I would give the entire world to." Levi turned his face towards me and mouthed, "I love you, Eren."

"Love you too," I mouthed back, grinning at Levi, repairing himself, finally able to love again.

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