Chapter 30 - Manners (SMUT WARNING)

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"So, do you have any idea of where we're headed at this point?" I asked Levi after about five minutes.

"Actually, yeah, I found my way about a mile back. Right now I'm just looking for a decent spot to pull off." Levi smirked at me, his silver eyes glittering in the fading light.

"Oh yeah? How come?" I asked, playing dumb, as Levi's hand conspicuously rested on my thigh, patting it gently. I stared at the bright pink cast on his other arm rereading some things I had written on it, memorizing the large, sloppy hearts I had drawn on it.

"I dunno. Just felt like enjoying the scenery," Levi replied sarcastically as I reached across the center console and gently ran my fingers between his hip bones. "Calm down. Fuck, Jeager."

"Yes, please fuck Jeager," I giggled, pushing on his shoulder.

"You high or somethin'?" Levi snorted, eyeing me through his peripherals. "Or is it just being in Colorado that's gettin' to ya?"

"I dunno, can you be high on a person?" I whispered against his neck. "You should probably find a spot to pull over soon, cuz I'm coming for that zipper, next."

"Eren, God. Actually I have a question," Levi asked before pulling off into the next shoulder and parking the car and turning to face me.

"What's your question?" I asked, staring intensely into my lover's eyes, challenging him.

"Eren, before I move back east, I want you to try to top me again." I let out a quiet gasp and brought my hand to my lips in shock. "I mean, I understand if you don't want to but-"

"No, it isn't that. I just am worried about freaking you out again," I mumbled an interruption, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You didn't freak me out, brat. I freaked myself out," Levi whispered. "Mind over matter, Love. I had to deal with some shit, and I think I've internally worked it to a point where I would be okay if you tried to take control of me."

"I just really don't wanna make you cry again," I reasoned. "That broke my fucking heart, Levi."

"You didn't make me cry, Jaeger. I made me cry. And maybe if we started with me in a position with more control, it might work better. Like, what if I rode you?"

"Don't say that, Levi," I gasped, remembering the dream I had had so many months ago. I immediately felt weak, blood rushing to my groin at the sheer fantasy of having Levi on my dick.

"What? That I wanna ride you till my fucking legs give out?" Levi hissed, pulling me into a slow, meaningful kiss. I kissed him back, sliding my lips against his, twisting my fingers into his hair. He climbed into my lap, straddling my hips in the seat. Our mouths fit perfectly together, and I could feel his small body relax as I lowered my hands to his toned waist. Slipping my hands up his shirt I gripped his waist again, gently pawing at it as he gasped against my lips. I took that as an opportunity to get my tongue into his mouth. I licked his bottom lip, which he parted beautifully for me, letting me inside without a fight. I decided to see if what he did to me would work on him. A taste of his own medicine, if you would. I slowly, ever so lightly ran my tongue along the roof of his mouth, and he shuddered, even his eyelids fluttering, batting his long eyelashes against each other. I brought my hands back down to his hips, pushing my thumbs into the soft space between them, and he moaned softly into my mouth, unable to hold it back anymore.

I gripped onto his hips, and pushed mine into his, and I saw stars for a second. He faltered only for a second before sucking on my tongue, grinding his hips down into mine as he clutched onto each side of my unzipped hoodie. I pulled my lips from his and moved my mouth to his neck, my lips barely ghosting his jaw, my teeth barely nipping at his pale white skin.

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