Chapter 9 - Kenny

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Levi sped towards the city on the horizon.

"Babe, get into my phone and call Kenny. His name is either Kenny Ackerman, or 'Shitwad Cumcicle.' Look for both."

"Shitwad Cumcicle?" Levi nodded. "Well then."

I unlocked Levi's phone with my thumb and fished through his contacts. I found his uncle under his name.

"No Shitwad. Just Kenny."

"Well, that's what it was saved as on my last phone. Guess I've gotten more mature."

"I guess so. Or maybe just less creative."

"Fair enough," Levi smirked. "Okay call him."

I hit the call button on Kenny's contact. It rang for a second before Kenny picked up.

"I thought I told you not to call me again you little shit. You're not getting anything outta me except your inheritance when I die. Why are you calling me, shrimp?"

"Well, Kenny. I was just calling you to tell you that I'm engaged. I proposed to Eren last night."

"Wait. That kid you were handcuffed to at the boarding school? You moved out west for him, right?"

"Yeah. That's him."

"Wow," Kenny laughed. "I didn't think it would last that long. Good job, I guess. I woulda thought you would've cheated by now or some shit. Or he would've found somebody better than you by now. I'm glad somebody other than me has tolerated you this long. I still think we're all better off without you. But hey, to each his own. Hey I gotta go. I have a meeting coming up. Congrats, Levi. Good luck letting him top." And with that, he hung up the call.

"Well, my dad isn't the only fuckwad here. What did he mean when he said, 'good luck letting him top?'"

"He knows I have issues with letting other people top. He caused the issues I have about letting people top me. He was making fun of me being scared of taking dick."

"That's fucked up," I muttered. "Of fucking course you'd be scared of getting dominated. The only times you've ever taken dick was when you were being raped. What a fucking sicko. I have no words for how fucked up that is. Kenny needs to shove a broken glass bottle up his ass. I mean, come-"

Levi held up a hand to silence me. "That's enough. Kenny is a highly disturbed individual. We're gonna end that discussion there. Have a sip of your milkshake. That's what it's there for."

"Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, Levi."

"It's all good Eren. It wouldn't be fair if I was upset. I just finished ranting about what a dipshit your father is. Just know that I love you."

"I love you too."

"Hey, babe?" Levi asked.


"Can we work on that?" He asked. My stomach dropped.

"Work on," I trailed off, waiting for Levi to complete my sentence.

"I want you to be able to top me someday. I wanna work on my issues with that so you can do it sometime in the future. As much as I love giving you head, I know it isn't enough for you sometimes. I feel bad that I can't give you more yet."

"Levi, you don't have to. I'm okay. I don't want you to force it if it isn't something you're ready to do." I took his hand reassuringly. "We have the rest of our lives to worry about it. Right now, I'm perfectly happy getting on your dick. You know how to make me feel good, and where we're at right now is a good spot to be."

"Yeah. It will take a while for me to be able to let you top, though. I'm just saying eventually. Now that we do have forever. It isn't anything we have to start on immediately. Just sometime. Promise me we'll work on it."

"Yeah. Of course. I promise, Levi."

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