Chapter 39 - Mondays

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Monday morning hit me like a semi truck, the first week of school getting progressively harder on me. I held out hope for the second week, but it wasn't any better. The only good moments in my day were spent with my sister and Sasha, or Petra, or Christa. I was exhausted. both physically and emotionally, as week three of my semester rolled in. I felt guilty, having fallen asleep working on my homework, meaning I had forgotten to call Levi the night prior. I tried making up for it by texting profuse apologies to him throughout our daytime conversations. School passed rather uneventfully, apart from a stupid note in my locker calling me a man whore. I promptly crumpled it into a ball and vowed not to bring it up with Levi.

I am SO sorry for falling asleep.

Baby, stop apologizing. It's good that you got some extra sleep. I'm not upset in the slightest.

But i feel bad!

Love, is everything okay?


You're lying.

No im not!

Don't make me ask your sister. She wouldn't bee very keen on the idea of me calling her some time today, now would she?


So why are you being all self loathing?

I'm not.

You are.

Whatever.  I sighed. So, video call during lunch? We had been video calling each other for a few minutes every day during my lunch hour while Christa and I escaped the world for a bit.

Of course. Are you seriously not going to tell me what's been bothering you?

It's not a big deal. I'm just overreacting.

I highly doubt that, but I'm trusting you. I hope nothing bad is happening.

No, I'm okay, I swear.

Classes passed by in a blur, and having to go directly from school to my new part time job was wearing thin on my sanity. Finally, the lunch bell rang and Christa and I excused ourselves from the hustle and bustle of our high school.

"How's your day going, Eren?" Christa asked with a smile.

"It's going, I guess. Mondays always suck."

"Agreed. I am so ready for this milkshake," she grinned. We had made Monday milkshakes a tradition every Monday lunch period.

"Me too, my dude," I nodded, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and guiding her with my arm around her shoulder out of the building. "How's Ymir? What did you guys do this weekend? Wasn't it your anniversary?"

"Yeah! We went to Disneyland on Saturday and then had sort of a spa day at home on Sunday. Face masks, nails, chick flicks, that sort of thing. Ymir took the weekend off, and it was really nice."

"Nice! Sounds like a lot of fun!" I exclaimed, enthusiasm glittering in my words and my expression.

"It really was. Oh! She says she'll pick us up about ten minutes after school gets out. She wants to know if that will make you late for work."

"No, I should be okay today."

"Cool! I'll go order for us if you wanna call Levi. Your usual?"

"Double Double with grilled onions," I started.

"Animal Style fries and a Neopolitan shake. Got it. I'm paying this time, though. I just got my paycheck and I already paid my half of the rent, so I'm free and clear, baby."

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