Chapter 45 - I Totally Forgot a Chapter Title Because My Life is Falling Apart

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When I finally turned my phone on, it blew up with texts from my mother and sister, as well as a couple from Christa and Petra. Levi drove us to the cafe and held my hand while I gawked at my texts, an understanding, sympathetic look in his eyes.

I opened the ones from my mother first:

What the hell, Eren? You're not allowed to fly cross country in the middle of the night! At least you know you're grounded. Hope you know it's for life. You're sentence is forty five years, young man. No parole.

A sentence I am willing to accept. He needed me. Sorry mom. I typed back.

I moved on to Mikasa: 





I scoffed at her over the top texting and shot her one back. Sorry. One word seemed sufficient to me.

Next was Christa: 

Hey, I haven't seen you at school today. You feeling okay?

Yeah, sorry. Levi had an emergency, so I'm out visiting him in Massachusetts.

She was quick to reply.Oh shit. You were serious about having that savings account lol. Have fun ;)

Thanks. We will. I'll text later.

Finally I turned my focus to Petra: 

Mikasa called. I'm worried. Are you okay? What happened?

We're okay. Isabel passed away and Levi was having a really hard time, so I flew out last night. Love ya.

Love you too.

I clicked my cell phone off and looked over at Levi, driving a used honda accord. I narrowed my eyes. "Babe, why do you drive used cars when you could literally be driving lambos? Why have I never seen you wear expensive shit? Everybody else here seems to like name brands."

"I don't like to flaunt. It's gaudy and unattractive. Besides, just cuz I have the money doesn't mean cheap stuff works just as well. But, that ring you have on your finger was more expensive than this car."

My eyes widened and I froze upright in my seat. "Woah. Nope, not even gonna ask. Don't tell me. I don't wanna know."

"Probably the better response, Love" Levi purred. "Actually, I'm impressed with how well you're handling all this. Not that I was worried, but I've never talked about all this money before. I swear I don't even know what to do with it all. And it weirds me out to talk about."

"I could imagine that," I nodded. "So where's this cafe at?"

"Just a little ways. We could have walked, but meh. I'm still a little tipsy."

"Jesus, should you be driving?" I asked, turning to Levi. 

"Yes. I still haven't gotten Eren Jaeger insurance."

"I'm not even a bad driver," I groaned, rolling my eyes at Levi.

"That's debatable, Jaeger."

"I mean you're the one with the cast, Mr. Good Driver."

"That's because you're one hell of a distraction," Levi winked at me. "Specially now, I mean, Chrissakes, look at you."

"No, look at you." I squeezed his hand as he changed lanes.

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