Chapter 68 - Taking Over (SMUT WARNING TO THE FUCKING MAX)

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Okay. Before we start. Eren is a fucking CHAMP in this chapter. Vixens this is THE RHC. And, no this does not mean that Levi is a bottom from now on. He just needed a good dicking down and, he'll be right back to his hoe-snatching, fine-ass, steal-ur-mans self. Kay thanks don't hate bye.

"What the fuck, Levi?" I demanded once we were in the car. "You can't fucking threaten the lives of people you don't know!" He started the engine and sped out of the driveway, the tires screeching in protest as he took the sharp turn way too fast.

"I do know him!" Levi argued, the car jolting as it shifted gears to accommodate Levi's speeding. "And he's fucking dangerous. I don't understand why you think I'm fucking overreacting, Eren!"

"Because you are overreacting! If you can change your ways, then so can he! You really need to calm down," I snapped. The motor of the car whined at Levi's abuse of the gas pedal.

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down? This guy has killed people Eren," Levi nearly screamed.

"How do you know that?"

"Rivaille knows who the fuck he is. He's lucky I didn't kill him on the spot for what he fucking did," Levi seethed, his voice hoarse from yelling. "Distract me, goddammit!"

"Jesus Christ, Levi! I'm no good at distractions when you're literally screaming at me. I need a minute," I said, starting loudly, but finishing my response in a voice that was hardly even audible. Levi's entire body was tense and trembling, wound up like an eight day clock.

"I- I'm sorry. I just- I dunno what I would do if anybody hurt you, and I was the one let that fucking happen. I just need to make sure you're gonna be okay." Levi's attitude had shifted again. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let something bad happen to you. I love you more than my own life."

"I love you too, Levi. More than my own life. That's why it kills me to see you this unstable. Can you tell me what you found out?"

"If I go into detail you could be charged as an accessory. But basically, he was involved in the murder of somebody I know," Levi said slowly. "He spent time in New York about three years ago, and Rivaille knows exactly what he did. I wasn't there when this guy was killed, but Riva and Dom were. He was a dealer in a gang, and now deals in the west coast branch of the gang. That's all I can tell you. He's a bad guy, Eren," Levi said, his voice breaking while he drove. His eyes were glossy, reflecting the streetlights as we zipped past them. Levi's expression looked like the person Zeke killed was more than just an acquaintance to him.

"What did you say to him?" I asked, reaching across the center console and taking a hold of his hand.

"I told him I knew exactly who he was, and when he asked how, I told him I was Levi fucking Ackerman, and there was no way I fucking wouldn't. I told him that if I saw him any day other than Christmas and Thanksgiving for your mother's sake, he was a dead man walking. Said there was the easy, quiet way, or the way that involved me bringing Kenny into it. So if the threatening doesn't end up working, I may end up being next on his murder list."

"What?" I exclaimed while his words sank in. "No, no, no, no, no. He could kill you?!"

"He could if he was a fucking idiot. He knows my people would come after him if he did. If he even tried touching me, he'd be dead where he stood. He knows that."

"How do you know that, though?!" I cried, feeling my eyes sting with tears. "What about me, Levi?! You're my everything. If you- I wouldn't-"

"Eren. Calm down," Levi murmured, squeezing my hand. "You're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. As long as you're taken care of, I'm okay. And even in death, I have you set for fucking life, Love."

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