Chapter 43 - Never Let You Go

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The flight was quiet, and I slept for the majority of it. When we touched down in Boston, I opened the blinds on my window and was immediately blinded by the sudden light. Wincing, I recoiled and shut the blinds again, waiting to get off of the aluminum death can. I had always been afraid of airplanes, but I found that if I just pretended it was a bus, I would feel a lot better. A bus suspended in the air. That could kill us instantly if anything went wrong. I shuddered, happy to be back on solid ground again. I hadn't freaked out at all when I went on plane rides with Levi, but now that I was alone, the fear of planes was back in full force. I filed off of the airplane gratefully, texting Levi to tell him I had landed. I looked on Google Maps, and Harvard wasn't a long drive. I pulled up Uber and bought a ride. 

Harvard was even more prestigious looking than I had expected. Everybody had on something designer, every building looked like it had maids that waited on your every whim. "Holy shit," I muttered, taking in the beautiful, old school. Every building looked to be hundreds of years old, preserved artifacts crafted in red brick. Looking for signs, I tried to find a student center or a map, or something. 

"Hi, can I help you?" A tall, chipper boy asked me. He had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "You look like you're having trouble finding your way."

"Um, yeah, where are the boy's dorms?" I asked, cracking a smile. This boy was wearing shoes that cost more than my car. I probably looked like some kind of peasant to him.

"Which ones?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Uh," I began, drawing it out to buy time. This school was so far out of my league. I sighed. "I have no idea."

"Well, I actually have a minute before my next class, if you want me to help you," the boy offered.

"Um, please," I laughed nervously. I had never felt more out of place in my entire life. I didn't want to disturb Levi in case he was getting some sleep.

"Okay well, what part of Harvard are we looking for?"

"The law part. I'm sorry I'm not from here."

"Oh it's evident. You stick out like a sore thumb. You're not even from the east coast."

"How did you know?"

"The way you hold yourself and the way you walk are dead giveaways. So the law part, huh? Well you're in the right place. I'm a law student too, maybe I know who you're looking for? Why don't you text him?"

"He's sleeping."

"Well what's his name?"

"Levi. Ackerman." The boy's eyes widened, an odd expression on his face.

"Like, as in Hiram Ackerman? As in Kennedy Ackerman?" He asked, his features totally awestruck.

"I dunno about Hiram, but Levi Ackerman as in Kennedy Ackerman."

"Who are you? Are you, like, a Vanderbilt or something? You seem west coast, though. You couldn't possibly be a Hearst. Maybe a Rothschild? How do you know the Ackermans?" the tall boy inquired, tilting his head to the side, as if trying to place my family name.

"Oh, no, I'm not- Levi- uh, he, we-" I stuttered, holding up my left hand and pointing to the ring with the Ackerman crest on it. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Oh! Oh my God, my apologies. Um, yeah he's in Hastings Hall. I'm friends with his roommate. I can take you there right now," he nervously replied in short spurts of sentences. "Yeah! I'm sorry, just, uh, yeah! Lemme take you there right now."

I was absolutely befuddled as the incredibly anxious boy lead me directly to Levi's dormitory without another word. I didn't dare ask what the matter was, for fear that I wouldn't get any more help from him. I wondered what I had done wrong, figuring it was probably quite a list of things, considering I understood nothing about the east coast or the old money nestled within.

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