Chapter 11- Pride

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"Okay, I lied," Jean admitted, smirking mischeviously. "There isn't a cafe down this street, I just have to leave my phone over here in this library before I take us where I was planning to. My parents track my location." Jean ran in and handed the librarian his cell phone before leaning across the counter and hugging the young woman. She smiled and he jogged back outside, joining back up with me and Levi.

"So where are we going then, Horseface?" Levi asked, folding his arms. He seemed to snap out of his mood almost as quickly as it had come. "Not to murder us and throw us off the Golden Gate, I'm hoping."

"No, that's later today. Right now, I have a surprise." Jean stepped behind me and Levi, putting one of his hands on each of our shoulders. "Okay, both of you close your eyes."

"Fuck no," Levi argued. "Why?" I did as I was told, lowering my eyelids until all I could see was black.

"Just do it," Jean insisted.

"Fine. This better be fucking good, asshole." 

I felt Jean's hand steady my chin and then something cold and wet touched my cheek. It felt like a small paint brush.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just hold still, dumbass. I'm almost done," Jean scoffed, finishing up whatever he was doing to my cheekbone with a paint brush. It felt like he had painted stripes in a small box on my cheek. He pulled back, probably to admire his work. "Perfect."

"It better not be a dick, Jean."

"Don't even worry your pretty little head about it, Jaegerbomb."

"What the fuck are you doing to my face, ass hat?" I heard Levi snap.

"Just chill, both of you. God you guys are so panicky all the time. Fuck. You're from LA. Chill."

"I am not from LA," Levi grumbled.

"New York City is scarier than LA, Levi," Jean pointed out. 

"What the fuck are you putting in my ears, Horseface?" Levi complained.

"Hold still motherfucker, unless you want another piercing." There was nothing but silence for a moment as Jean put Levi's earrings in. "There." Jean stepped behind us again and started guiding us down the sidewalk. "Keep your eyes closed, idiots."

I felt a jolt as Levi ran into something. "Fucking hell Jean! Be careful. I'd like the only one with visible bruises to be Jaeger, thanks."

"Hickeys don't count, Stupid," Jean snickered. After what felt like forever, I could hear the chatter of a large crowd approaching with a loud pop song playing in the background. Jean stopped walking, braking our pace as well with his hands on our shoulders.

"Where are we?" I asked. Jean stepped around us for a final time, standing in front of us.

"Why don't you open your eyes?" He scoffed. I slowly fluttered my eyelids open and took in my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was all the colors that everybody was wearing. It was like everybody had coordinated and worn the same bright colors. The colors of the rainbow were splattered everywhere in sight. The next thing I noticed was Jean. He had a pair of rainbow sunglasses on with "HOMO" printed across the lenses. I turned and looked at Levi who had round, glittery tapers in his ears that were also all the colors of the rainbow. He had a long, skinny rainbow painted across his cheekbones and nose as well.

"You took us to fucking pride?" Levi exclaimed, an incredulous smirk on his face. "I forgot pride was in June."

"You're welcome!" Jean grinned smugly. "Let's go!" 

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