Chapter 63 - New Beginnings (SMUT WARNING)

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Levi drove Petra's car back to my mother's house, the Hell I'd been trying to hide from for the last few days since everything had come apart. I was excited to see Poppy. Not having her crawl into bed with me the night prior had been a little uncomfortable. It was our little ritual, she would knock on my bedroom door around two in the morning and tell me she had a nightmare. I would peel my comforter back and she would crawl between my sheets, passing out almost instantly every time. We rounded the corner onto my street and I was slammed with a wave of acute anxiety, goosebumps pricking at my arms and my lungs becoming taut, so much so that I could scarcely get a breath out. I felt Petra's hand gently rub the side of my arm, reaching up from the back seat while Levi's hand squeezed mine a little tighter than before.

He parked the car in my mother's driveway and turned to me. "Are you ready, Love?"

"As I'll ever be," I tried to say, but it came out as more of a gasp. The fact of the matter was that I was not ready to face the reality of a new brother and a mother that had lied to me my entire life.

"Don't be afraid, Eren. We'll be here the whole time," Petra said quietly, pressing her lips to the side of my shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks, guys," I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt and stepping out of the car, waiting until Levi was at my side again before heading towards the house, now looming over me like a rogue wave, ready to crash onto my head. I was anything but ready for my fiancee and his best friend to meet my brother.

Levi's hand found mine immediately as we approached the front door of my house. I rested my hand on the doorknob and let out a soft breath before turning it and stepping inside.

"I'm home!" I called upstairs, and no sooner did the words escape my lips than my mother rounded the corner into the foyer, an enormous grin sweeping her features while she pulled Levi into a solid hug. He patted her back awkwardly while she swayed back and forth with him.

"My sweet, sweet boy," she hummed. "How's Harvard?"

"Stressful. How are you faring?" He asked politely when she finally pulled away.

"I'm alright. Thank you for taking care of Eren. He's had a lot on his mind."

"Uh, Mom, I'm literally right here," I chimed in, frustrated that she was trying to pretend like I couldn't hear what she was saying. "Love you too," I snapped.

"Are we really not past this, Eren James?" My mother sighed, resting her hand on her forehead, her jaded eyes searching mine for some sort of meaning that she couldn't seem to find.

"How could we be past this, Mom? You lied to me and Mikasa our entire lives. You think that goes away just cuz I'm in a better mood?" All of the frustration from the last couple of days resurfaced in an instant when she used my middle name.

"Eren, Love," Levi murmured, squeezing my hand. "Civility in times of heavy stress is typically greatly appreciated by both parties."

"In English, Levi," I hissed while Petra stepped forward.

"Hi, Ms. Jaeger! How are you?" She asked, trying to distract my mother for a moment by bringing her into a tight hug.

"Play nice, Eren," Levi said, his voice dropping several octaves, automatically sending shivers down my spine with the tone he had used.

"Daddy?" I heard a small voice ring out from the living room. Poppy darted around the corner, coming into our line of sight. Her eyes instantly locked onto Levi while she let out a quiet squeal, sprinting towards her father. "Daddy! You're here!" No sooner had she reached him that she was swept up into his arms, hugging his neck close to her tiny body.

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