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i) In My Veins - Andrew Belle
"Nothin' goes as planned
Everything will break
People say goodbye
In their own special way"

ii) Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine
"I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you"
"What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you"

iii) Deep End - Ruelle
"Where can I go?
When the shadows are calling
Shadows are calling me
What can I do?
When it's pulling me under
Pulling me underneath"
"It's getting close
I lose control
It's taking over"

iv) Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
"How can I say this without breaking
How can I say this without taking over
How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone"
"I loved, and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell"

v) City of the Dead - Eurielle
"I'm scared of what is in my head
What's inside my soul
I feel like I'm running, but getting nowhere
Fear is suffocating me
I can't breathe
I feel like I'm drowning, I'm sinking deeper"
"I feel it burning through my veins
It's driving me insane"

vi) You Said You'd Grow Old With Me - Michael Schulte
"I'd like to say I'm okay,
but I'm not
I try, but I fall,
close my mind, turn it off"
"You've got your peace now, but what about me?"

vii) Bird Set Free - Sia
"Clipped wings, I was a broken thing
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing
You would wind me down
I struggled on the ground, oh
So lost, the line had been crossed
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk
You held me down"

viii) Behind those hazel eyes - Kelly Clarkson
"Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on"
"Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it
Can't pretend"

ix) War pt II - Former Vandal
"Rest easy, fearless warrior.
you can sleep now, you can finally calm your bones.
breathe easy, noble savior.
only human, still more valiant than us all."
"Nobody ever said that victory came without casualties.
they say the good die young
but they never really tell you that they never die alone.
We all fall down. Bury a bit of our souls six feet under ground.
If you die, then we die with you."

x) Locked Away - R. City ft Adam Levine
"If I got locked away,
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?"
"Baby tell me would you die for me?
Would you spend your whole life with me?
Would you be there to always hold me down?
Tell me would you really cry for me?"


Estas son algunas de las canciones que sentí que concordaban con esta parte de la historia de Sarah. Si tienen alguna, con gusto la pondré aquí.

Ya publiqué en "Sobre Sarah Stilinski". Estén atentos ahí. Y pronto publicaré el primer capítulo de la tercera novela.

¡Nos leemos pronto!


Paranoia [Teen Wolf]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora