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"mr.jeon, do you mind telling me what's so important that has had you smiling at your crotch for the past 10 minutes?'

jeongguk hated this class. he hated the teacher, his seat, and his friends that were currently snickering two rows behind him. english was the fucking worst.

he muttered an apology as he pocketed his phone, turning his head just enough to glare at jimin and yoongi seated behind him. both of who were failing miserably at concealing their small fits of laughter. he gave a half-assed smile at the teacher as she turned back to the board.

"as i was saying..."

jeongguk always found it funny that he was always the one targeted in this class. no, scratch that, every class that he's had since sophomore year. sure, yoongi and jimin can fuck in the showers but as soon as he slingshots a condom across the locker room, he receives after school detention.

the bell rang and jeongguk swiftly closes his notebook. it was filled with no notes, but rather cartoon dicks and unrealistically large tits. he was a man of fine art, after all.

"so, were you on your phone or were you pleasantly surprised by your tiny friend, mr.jeon"

jimin did a poor impression of their english teacher as he spoke, and if yoongi weren't there he'd probably punch him in the throat. but yoongi was scary. small, nonetheless, but scary.

"you say that, but i bet my entire ass that it's larger than yours and your boyfriend's two inch dicks"

jimin sighed and curled an arm around yoongi's arm, their fingers intertwining at the end. they made their way out of the classroom, stopping at yoongi's locker across the hall.

"at least i'm not in denial, gukkie."

jeongguk glared at him as yoongi shuffled with his books, retrieving the ones he needed and shelving the ones that he didn't.

"i'm not gay, jimin. i love pussy as much as pussy loves me, which is a lot, might i add." he tried to emphasize the a lot part, though both of them knew that he hasn't gotten a good bone in months. jimin threw his head back, laughing. 

"yeah, and it's not like you don't ogle bj boy's ass every time he walks by." yoongi added, shutting his locker as his hand grabbed a hold of his boyfriend's once again. jeongguk scoffed, trying to hide the fact that yeah, tiny scary dude had a point.

"okay, first of all, bj boy isn't his name," jeongguk started. jimin stiffled a small giggle because he knew how much jeongguk hated it when they didn't use taehyung's real name. it was down-right degrading and not in the sexy, 'bow chicka wow wow' way.

"and second of all, i do not." this time yoongi snickered and raised an eyebrow at him. jeongguk crossed his arms and arched a brow. "name one time. i dare you, hyung."

"well, there was that one time in lunch when he bent over in his tight leather pants and you ended up spilling your food onto the floor..." jimin chided.

"or there was that one time at the basketball game where he winked at you and you 'needed to go to the restroom.'" yoongi added.


jeongguk covered jimin's mouth with the palm of his hand and glared holes into his skull.

"i get the point, i know art when i see it. but any normal, heterosexual male would not deny that taehyung has some pretty sweet goodies." he slowly released his hand and prayed that jimin would't bring up the time in the library.

"oh! what about that time in the library where you followed him through the isles and by the end of it, you popped a boner?"

jeongguk wanted to shoot himself.

bj boy // taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now