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jackson handed taehyung a bowl of cereal, taehyung taking it with a smile. it was fruity pebbles, after all. and fruity pebbles were his favorite.

and of course jackson knew, because taehyung frequently came here in the pit of night. sometimes for the cereal, sometimes for company, sometimes to cry and be angry at the world.

and jackson welcomed him with open arms, offering fruity pebbles and companionship.

"thank you, jackson..." taehyung muttered, stirring the spoon in his cereal, hesitant on taking a bite. his stomach growled, low and angry, so taehyung begrudgingly lifted the spoon to his lips, before opening his mouth and letting the sugary breakfast food sit on his tongue.

fuck he loved fruity pebbles.

jackson smiled, resting a hand on taehyung's shoulders. "you seem to be doing, uh... better?" he said. it sounded more like a question than anything, and taehyung chuckled before taking another bite.

"as good as it can get, i guess. i just-'

"hate him? yeah i know" jackson cut him off, clapping his hands together. "i can't blame you for all the shit he's putting you through, i mean... look at you!"

the only acknowledgement taehyung have was a nod, tipping the bowl so he could drink the now sugar laced milk. he finished the bowl, laying it on jackson's bed side table.

"you seem to be warming up to jeon jeongguk lately... about time." jackson laughed, trying to lighten the mood. taehyung raised his head in confusion, though he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"i heard you guys in the locker room, tae. well, you. i heard you..."

taehyung blushed. it was the only time where he had ever been the receiver during his sexual misadventures. he figgeted with the sleeves if his sweatshirt, unaware what to say, so settled with humming an affirmative.

jackson sighed "does he know? y'know about..." he trailed off, gesturing his hands wildly towards taehyung.

he shook his head. "no, and i don't know if i want him too..." and it was true. if jeongguk found out, the outcome would become so unclear.

what would he do?

how would he react?

he could laugh, see him as weak, maybe even leave.

or, he might end up in jail, depending on how defensive he chooses to be.

taehyung shuddered at the thought.

jackson put a hand on his knee, his thumb rubbing small circles for comfort.

"i think you should, if you truly care about him and vice versa ..."

"b-but..." taehyung sighed, tears beginning to brim in his eyes "we haven't even kissed, and i-i don't want to l-loose him..."

he sniffled, taking the sleeve of his sweatshirt and wiping his nose.


jackson made no move to comfort, to embrace him, to rub his head affectionately.

because he knew.

he knew how taehyung was, and how reluctant he was to let people hold him. and jackson, despite being taehyung's go-to for years, had only been allowed to give a pay here, a rub there... the hand on taehyung's knee seemed to just titter on crossing the line as it was, but taehyung made no move to try and remove it.

"jeongguk deserves to know though, eventually..."

taehyung nodded, "you're right but-" more sniffles came from the small boy "there's nothing that can be done."

jackson removed his hand. the only time he had ever seen taehyung be embraced, or embrace someone back... was with jeongguk. he needed to know, so that was something could be done.

"tell him..."

"but i don't want to..."

"maybe you don't. but it isn't right that your parents starve you taehyung."

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