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"my oh my! you are one skinny boy taehyung" the man at the front desk in the office said. his plaque read 'kim seokjin, receptionist.'

he rose from his seat, walking around the large bulky desk and leading taehyung to the principal's office.

"principal kim is a very very, uh... kind man. with a big... heart."

taehyung nodded, still unsure as to why he was beckoned down to the office. he had done nothing wrong, after all. and that was a first.

seokjin knocked on the heavy wooden door, a muffled, 'come in!' as it's response. the door made way to the cheerful receptionist's hand and taehyung's mouth hit the floor. there in front of him was a very bloody boy  and a very disgruntled jeongguk.

"hello, taehyung. do you mind sitting down?" the principal, who also had the last name 'kim,' (weird) smiled, and dimples carved his cheeks. taehyung nodded, taking the seat between the two mute boys. jeongguk's eyes skirted towards taehyung's form, yet quickly skidded back to their place at the floor. the bruised and messy boy's knee was shaking and he let out a huff.

he seemed a bit sassy for presumably getting his ass handed to him.

taehyung smiled at the thought, realizing who it was through the bruises and cuts that painted his face.

"thank you, mr.kim." namjoon (taehyung read his plaque) said. he winked as he said this, a small and deep chuckle rattling his throat. taehyung didn't have to turn around to see seokjin blush, it was obvious with the way his voice shook when he gave a quick, 'you're welcome.'

the door shut, and namjoon gave a deep sigh.

"do you know why you're here, taehyung?" his fingers were fumbling through the pages of some book, his brows creasing and tongue peeking through his lips.

"no sir."

namjoon shut the book before turning his head towards the three boys. jeongguk stretched his neck, his head moving from side to side before all around. he seemed tense. taehyung found himself frowning at the thought.

"well, mr.jeon decided to defend you from mr.lee, here. according to him, you are in fact mr.jeon's boyfriend." his voice raised an octave as the word 'boyfriend' left his lips, seemingly as surprised as what taehyung was.

"n-no sir, we are definitely-"

"definitely in love." 

taehyung turned to jeongguk, abashed. this boy had some guts to go around yelling about love between them. when taehyung would be allowed to leave, he swore that he would personally beat the ever loving shi-

"or at least i am, sir... i can't truly speak for taehyung now can i?" jeongguk turned to taehyung and ave a small smile, his eyes soft and sparkly.

dammit taehyung, you can't be soft.

taehyung turned his head towards the lee kid sitting next to him, his face red at the passive aggressive confession made towards him. his bruised neighbor kept fidgeting, his knee bouncing up and down quickly as his eyes darted across the room. taehyung wasn't quite sure what his name was, but he does believe that it was something along the lines of min.

"well, jeongguk, what did minho say that compelled you to... well, y'know?" he looked at the lee kid, minho, up and down as he awaited his answers.

"he just belittled him in a way that no human should."

minho scoffed, "if your little slut didn't want shit talked about him, then why would he go around sucking cock, jeon?"

jeongguk's knuckles went white against the arm rests, his grasp tight with anger. minho just laughed, knowing that jeongguk couldn't walk over and probably land him in the hospital, especially with mr.kim right there. he was bait on a hook, just out of reach from jeongguk. taehyung didn't say anything. he was used to the words, if not from his peers yet his step-father. he toyed with the sleeves of his sweater, his teeth nibbling at his bottom lip.

this is it, he thought, the principal is going to find out about how down and dirty he gets with his peers and teachers.

"you say that as if staff doesn't know about what he does, minho."

taehyung shot his head up. he isn't sure if a small 'what?' escaped from his lips, because no one paid mind to it. it seemed as though all three boys were in shock at this very sudden development.

"what? you seem surprised."

"uh, yeah?" apparently jeongguk felt like he should be the one to do all of the talking today. "how?"

mr.kim smiled. "well, aside from previously having an affair with a student," he leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with something twisted and carnal "the nurse likes to, oh how do you kids put it? spill the tea?"

taehyung felt ashamed, which is surprising because when ever it came to his job, he never did. but for hoseok to sell him out like that? that shit hurted. 

"everyone is worried about your health taehyung. and only 1,000 won? that's pretty cheap for your... special services." mr.kim was no longer smiling, instead he was lounging back into his chair his face still as stone.

"you're lucky that we don't contact your parents."

taehyung went pale. is that a threat?

"is that a threat?"

all namjoon had to do was nod, and the message was loud and clear.

bj boy // taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now