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"Then what happened?"

A young man by the name of Kim Minjun sat cross-legged on an uncomfortable and tacky pink cushioned chair, all of his attention directed to his elder sat across from him. His head was tilted in interest, waiting patiently for the grey haired man to continue his story.

The story of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk and how they fell in love.

The story of the infamous high school bj boy.

"Well..." the old man began, his bright smile soon diming. "They were together for many, many years. Those two truly did loved each other. After all, there's never a love quite like your first. That shit stays with you until you die."

Sunken eyes made their way to the casket. They were at a funeral for an old man, the two meeting there for the first time. It was strange, because Minjun hadn't even known who's funeral it was that he was attending, just that the recently deceased man was a close friend of one of his fathers and he felt instantly uncomfortable the moment he first stepped in the room.

Yet a brightly aged smile, and a story about the man in the casket before him, and Minjun found himself in a trance, feeling warm and welcome.

"Let me tell you about Jeon Jungkook and his only love." The man had said, his chin jutting out towards the casket. And now, here they were continuing to converse while stifled sobs emitted around them.

"They..." Minjun began, feeling his throat beginning to tighten. He was going to cry. "They didn't end up staying together, did they?" His eyes began to water, his vision blurring as he watched the old man sigh, looking like a blob shaking it's head.

"No, they didn't, kid."

A small gasp; Minjun had felt suddenly attatched to the two boys by hearing their story and was now left feeling heartbroken knowing that it never had the happy ending that he had imagined. "How come?"

The old man leaned back in his chair, a strong burst of air passing his lips. "They were together for about... eight years, I think? But they bickered alot near the end of it. It was sad too, because Jeongguk was actually going to propose. Had a ring picked out for Tae and everything."

The man scratched his head, searching his mind for the right words to say.

"Taehyung died a few years after that, too."

Minjun's eyes widened in shock, sadness tearing his soul open with vicious claws. He cleared his throat, trying to look lax and unaffected by this new information, eyebrows knitting themselves on his forehead. "H-how?"

"Old habits die hard, young one. He quit his job and became a full-on prostitute, ended up getting aids from a client. No one even knew before it was too late."

Minjun nodded, trying to calm his racing heart. He sniffed, trying once more to composehimself. Opening his mouth, he was preparing to speak when it seemed as though the elder had read his mind.

"Jeongguk was heartbroken when he found out. Y'know, he never did love anybody else... not like that atleast. Now, I'd like to think that they're finally together again, after all of these years. It's... bittersweet." He started crying a bit now, a few tears running down his wrinkled cheek. The old man was staring off in the distance, towards the front of the room where the mourners mingled around the body.

"If you dont mind me asking... how do you know all of this?"

A smile now, bright and slightly tear stained from the old man. "Because I was good friends with both of those boys. In fact, I actually used to be their school nurse."

Minjun felt stupid for not realizing it before, or for atleast not asking Hoseok for his name when they first started talking.

"And," Hoseok continued. "If you don't mind me asking, how can you come to Jungkook's very own funeral and not know the story of his first and only love? Almost everyone who knew Jeongguk knew about his and Taehyung's past. The boy never learned how to shut his trap about it!" He gave a cackle, throwing his head back with glee.

"Well..." Minjun chuckled, wiping his hands down the length of his dress pants. "My father, Namjoon, is very ill as of right now. Completely bed-ridden. When he heard that Jeongguk had passed from heart failure, he wished to send his condolences but didnt have the strength. So, he asked me to go in his place. And now, here I am."

Hoseok gave a small 'ah,' his head nodding up and down. "And I'm guessing that Jin is your other father too."

Minjun nodded, images of his gleeful and bubbly father dancing around in his mind. "Yeah, but he passed away two years ago. Dad hasn't been the same since."

Hoseok apologized, saying that if he had known he would have attended his funeral. As they continued speaking, people began filing out of the doors, following Jeongguk's now closed casket as it was lifted on the shoulders of strong, young men.

Suddenly a new question revealed itself in Minjun's mind; something that was never answered in Hoseok's story.

"What... what ever happened between you and Yoongi?"

A sheepish smile blossomed against Hoseok's lips.

"That is a story for another time."


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