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taehyung left the office, mr.kim done harassing him and making sure that taehyung understood...

"you shouldn't spend your time doing... that, taehyung." namjoon gestured to him. "be young, you're only what? seventeen? eighteen? go fall in love, maybe break a minor law or two. be free!"

he didn't really feel up to class now, knowing that what he thought was his undercover activities were actually in the lime light.

"oh! hello taehyung!" taehyung looked over to see mr.jung, the nurse, peer out of the door frame of the clinic. taehyung smiled, a silent greeting, as he made his way over to the clinic.

he might not be allowed to suck dick anymore, but he could at least stay and chat.

"how are you, hoseok?"

hoseok smiled, sitting down behind his desk. he propped a foot up, crossing his arms.

"it's mr.jung to you, taehyung." he looked legitimately offended that taehyung would dare call him by his first name, despite-

"i've literally had your dick in my mouth, i can call you what i want." he huffed, taking a seat.

hoseok smiled, his lips curling into that precious heart shape, however his eyes didn't crinkle up as they usually did when he was being friendly. taehyung gulped, a tad bit afraid. though, he knows that he shouldn't be, seeing as though jung hoseok is one of the most friendliest people on earth. he probably even rivals bob ross, and that's very difficult to do.

"speaking of which, taehyung..." he leaned forward in his chair, his arms resting on the desk. his sleeves were rolled up, exposing the expanse of lean muscle that ran along his arms. it made taehyung panic a bit.

"m'sorry, hobi, but mr.kim just told me i gotta stop with my whole... business."

hoseok pouted, his eyes darting down to the floor.

"m'never shoulda told him..."

taehyung chuckled lightly, feeling his anxiety leave his chest after seeing cute, pouty hoseok. he wouldn't dare hurt a fly. taehyung was about to restate his previous question of, 'how are you?' when something finally clicked.

"yeah, uhm... why would you have done that exactly?" taehyung suddenly felt himself getting defensive, but he paid no mind to it. after all, jung hoseok ruined his fucking business.

"oh well..." he seemed to have taken note to taehyung's changed demeanor. he audibly gulped. "namjoon's my drinking buddy..." he quietly laughed, trying to lift the mood a bit. on any other day, time and situation it probably would've succeeded, except... not now.

"so you get piss drunk and ramble abut my ways of getting money?"

hoseok ducked his head, his feet shuffling on the floor.

"n-no... it's not what you think."

taehyung stood up, his fists clenching at his side. he looked like that arthur meme that died out seemingly decades ago.

"then tell me."

if hoseok wasn't apart of school staff, taehyung would definitely beat the shit out of him.

"he's been helping me with, uh..."

taehyung raised a brow, waiting for the poor, mumbling nurse to finish his sentence.

"what? helping you with what?"

hoseok looked up.

"a break up. he's been helping me with a break up and then you were thrown into the picture because whenever you lend me your services it makes me think all about him for a split second. that's how he knows, an i am sorry."

taehyung nodded, drinking in the information that was just thrown at him.

"well, aside from previously having an affair with a student..."

that's what namjoon had said. something about mr.jung having an affair.

"who was it? he goes here doesn't he?"

hoseok seemed taken aback at taehyung's new, calm demeanor.

"h-how did you know he was a student?"

taehyung rolled his eyes, "mr.kim" he mumbled. hoseok nodded, probably seeing as though it was only fair for him to be exposed as well. it stung, sure.. but what is fair is fair.

"w-well" he gulped. "you know him."

taehyung sighed, opening his mouth to try and interrogate the poor school nurse more, but he was beat to it.

"min yoongi."

well that seems to complicate things a bit, now doesn't it? 

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