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"sorry sir, you're not supposed to be here right now. only family is allowed visitation."

jeongguk's mouth was slightly agape at the woman's words, trying desperately to configure a lie that would allow him access to taehyung's hospital room. it was quiet, he could hear crying in the dstance and a small part of him wondered if someone died. then, that same part of him wondered if that someone, was taehyung. he shook that thought off, preparing to argue with her. however, as he was about to speak, a soft voice behind him did.

"that's okay. he's his boyfriend. isn't that right, jeongguk?"

 a very confused jeongguk turned around to see another woman behind him. slightly plump, and very pale. after a few moments he realized that it wasn't any woman... and that observation shocked jeongguk to his very core.

it was taehyung's mother.

she smiled sweetly at jeongguk, looking like she hadn't slept in days. her hair was unfashionably mused and tousled,  a ghastly bruise on her left arm, a brown-ish green. her appearance was drastically different than when they had first encountered, yet he would remember those eyes anywhere. however this time, instead of off-putting, they were welcoming. welcoming and scared.

the lady at the front desk spoke, but jeongguk couldn't hear her. all he knew was that taehyung's mother gestured at him, signaling for him to follow with a small tilt of her head.

his feet moved without him telling them to, and time slowed as the both of them walked through the maze of isles. no words were spoken as they went, the air tense. jeongguk had never been so afraid in his life. buzzes and beeps filled the hospital, some hushed words spoken and a few crying families. people were being escorted, others rushed. it seemed very busy in that hospital that evening.

an eternity later, she spoke. "he's in there, jeongguk."

jeongguk nodded his thanks, stepping into the quiet, bleak room. he herd machines whirring,  and screens that he couldn't decipher were mounted on the walls. the window, overlooking roads and a few cherry blossom trees, had the curtains drawn open, sunlight filtering through and lying on taehyung's still body.

oh sweet, sweet taehyung.

his eyes were shut, iv cords in his arms . he was wearing a baby blue hospital gown, the lower half of his body submerged into the bed's white sheets. as he continued to sleep, jeongguk moved next to his bed, sitting down on the chair that was left askew nearby. hastily, he grasped the boy's hand and traced his knuckles with his thumb. jeongguk was so scared, worrying if he would wake up.

a deep breath, and taehyung's eye's fluttered under his lids before opening.

"taehyung." it was a gasp.

the boy in question turned his head, ever so slowly, and smiled at the younger boy.

"jeongguk." he answered, his voice murky with sleep.

with that one word, jeongguk cried. his shoulders shook as he gasped out for air, hands tightening around taehyung's. his face was turning red and puffy, he could feel it. yet he didn't care, for jeongguk felt relieved. 

relieved because taehyung was okay and he could say jeongguk's name. relieved because if he could say jeongguk's name then he could speak. and then relieved because if he could speak, then jeongguk would never have to go another day without hearing his voice.

"jeongguk." taehyung whispered this time. he was still smiling, small and soft as jeongguk wept. it was a silent reassurance that everything was going to be okay, and jeongguk could sit there and cry for as long as he wanted. taehyung would never judge him for it.

and so, they just sat there, jeongguk sobbing and taehyung smiling for a good twenty minutes. he was realizing all the while, that maybe, just maybe... he could see a little bit of christmas within jeongguk. so he smiled all the more.

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