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"somebody looks grumpy."

that was definitely not what jeongguk had expected as the start of his and jackson's first conversation. however, he did have a point. jeongguk could feel his face being contorted in what felt like a permanent scowl, twisting his face into that only of anger.

"what the fuck do you want, wang?"

jackson's hand flew up defensively, obviously not expecting jeongguk to be this hostile during their first meeting.

"chill chill chill, i just want to talk."

the breeze was cold, and the afternoon was grey. jeongguk would've been easily fooled to believe that it was autumn, rather then it actually being the later days of may. the park where they had decided to meet up for their little 'chat' was empty and silent. eery.


jeongguk's hands were shoved in his pockets as he studied jackson's stance. he stood tall, his head tilted to the side as he looked at jeongguk. "taehyung. what else would it be?"

it was silent for a beat. and then another.

"what about him?"

jeongguk didn't like this. he didn't like how serious jackson was looking at him, like he was about to tell him something jeongguk didn't want to hear.

in all honesty, he wasn't.

"taehyung's step father. i'm guessing you don't know him..."

jeongguk nodded. "i met him for a bit. didn't seem to, uh... nice?" it sounded more like a question than anything. as if jeongguk was looking for confirmation that yes, taehyung's father is the human embodiment of an uncircumcised cock.

jackson nodded. "yeah. taehyung didn't tell you then, huh?"

jeongguk stared at him in silence, waiting for him to continue.

"taehyung's stepfather... i don't know how to put this lightly, but..." he sighed. "it isn't even my place to tell you, but..."

it was as of jackson couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

"if it isn't your place to say, then why say it?" yes, jeongguk desperately wanted to know what jackson was talking about, but he also wanted to respect taehyung's privacy.

"because taehyung's in trouble, jeon!" jeongguk hadn't expected jackson to shout. fuck, he hadn't really even expected those words to come out of his mouth.

"what do you mean he's in trouble?" jeongguk was worried now. fuck, he was so worried now. "that's bastard doesn't beat him does he?" it was the first thing that popped into his mind. his bones twitched, wanting nothing more than to go racing over to taehyung, to steal him away at the dead of night, to protect him.

"no, jeongguk. it's... well it's not necessarily better than that either."

jeongguk was confused. what? what could be worse?

"what could be worse, wang?"

jackson sighed.

"he's starved jeongguk. they fucking starve him and that's why he goes to you and to me for food. they starve him because he's fucking gay and im fucking scared for him."

jeongguk froze, mind going blank as he tried to process this new information given to him.

"and we can't do anything about it. all we can do is sit there and watch it happen."

no, no jeongguk wasn't going to have that. "there's no one we can call? nothing?"

jackson shook his head. "i've tried it all, i don't know how, but they never get caught. nothing works."

jeongguk nodded, turning around on his heel, jaw tight.

"where are you going?"

"im gonna go make a sandwich."

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