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"who the fuck are you?"

jeongguk was outside if taehyung's house, where after knocking on the door, was greeted with the sight of a man. a very pale, hairy man, dressed in sweats and a stained hoodie with a lit cigarette placed between his lips.

"m'here for taehyung, sir..." jeongguk mumbled. the man stepped away, allowing space for jeongguk to enter the home.

when he stepped inside, the pictures of baby taehyung didn't greet him in the same way. it was like their eyes were saying something, something that taehyung's mother's eyes did that day.

to leave.

"he's in his room." the man muttered, taking a drag out of his cancer stick and setting it in the ash tray on the coffee table. he sat down on the couch and turned on the t.v, not paying any mind to jeongguk.

"i just got home from a business trip, so i don't want anything fishy going on, y'hear?"

jeongguk nodded his head in thanks and understanding before running upstairs. taehyung's door was shut, and there wasn't any noise emitting from the boy this time. jeongguk frowned before lifting up a small fist and knocking lightly.

"m'sorry, sir."

jeongguk's eyebrow arched in confusion knocking again. with no answer, he slowly opened the door, which gave a small creak from the movement. there, engulfed in a nest if blankets and pillows was taehyung.

"taehyung..." he whispered. he wasn't quite sure why he was whispering, but fear had been locked steady in his heart. it was that damn house that scared him. taehyung stilled, breath stuck in his throat. slowly and wearily, he lifted his head from the mess, locking eyes with jeongguk.

"what are you doing here?"

what a way to say hi, jeongguk thought. taehyung's eyes were swollen and red, his hair was mussed up, as though a bird had nested there on his scalp.

"what do you mean, 'what am i doing here?'" he hissed "you're the one who didn't show up to school! what are you doing here?"

taehyung fumbled with one of the many blankets lying on his lap.

"m'sick..." he mumbled.

jeongguk had learned the art of lying from a young age. so when taehyung spoke those tainted words, jeongguk almost laughed.

"bullshit." he was finally speaking at regular volume, not caring about the man that was a floor below him.

he had to know what was wrong so he could help...

"s'not that simple gukkie..." taehyung said. he sighed, stretching out his arms to try and relax the nerves that we're currently prickling at his skin. jeongguk was going to make it worse if he didn't leave.

"it is that fucking simple. why were you not at school, tae..."

taehyung seemed to melt at the pet-name, but he wouldn't give jeongguk the satisfaction of the truth. he needed to think if a lie, and fast.

"you skip, don't you?" taehyung questioned. he tilted his head, portraying faux-innocence. "so it's only okay for you to skip but not me? maybe i'm tired, gukkie. maybe i want a break."

jeongguk shook his head. "if you don't want to tell me then fine, but i will find out..."

and with that, jeongguk left.

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