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fuck jeongguk and his fucking eggs. fuck jeongguk and his fucking smile and kind fucking heart. just fuck jeongguk.

taehyung didn't go to class.

instead, he found himself in the bathroom located down the hall of his theology class, furiously crying into the mirror. his face was bright red as tears streamed down his cheeks, and his chest shook with every shuddering breath he let leave him.

seriously, fuck jeon jeongguk.

he splashed cold water on his face, continuing to sob down the sink's drain.

"shut the fuck up taehyung, all he did was give you eggs."

more cold water, more crying.

taehyung was a mess.

after a good ten minutes, taehyung finally calmed down, splashing more water in his face before wiping it off. he looked in the mirror, his eyes were puffy and red, his hair was damp and disheveled.

taehyung was definitely a mess.

he grabbed his bag and left the bathroom, not caring if the wanderers in the ha gave him perplexed looks. because seriously, fuck jeongguk for making him feel like this.

fuck jeon jeongguk for making him feel loved.

fuck jeon jeongguk for giving him hope to be loved.

bj boy // taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now