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taehyung stopped in front of his house.

he didn't want to be here, at all.

it was dreary out, the sky gray and crying. taehyung felt like the sky in that moment.

so, instead of going home like he said he would, he kept walking.

i need to see jackson, i need to see jackson, i need to see jackson.

he turned the corner.
kept walking.
another turn.
twenty three more steps.

the light in the front window was still on, as it always was. darting through the grass, he knocked on jackson's window. it opened, taehyung being greeted with the sight of jackson clad i'm school clothes.

"he's fucking worried sick, taehyung. where were you?"

taehyung knew he was speaking about his step-father.

taehyung just gave a sheepish smile before crawling in, his head coming into contact with the floor when he did, eliciting a small, 'ow!'

jackson closed the window behind him, turning around and looking at taehyung. "you better fucking spill..."

"jackson..." he situated himself on his friend's baby blue bed, playing with his fingers. "i don't know how, but i've managed to get myself into so much confusing shit in a matter of days. i don't know what to do, or where to go. i just-" taehyung started crying and it irritated him because he's been doing alot of that lately. "i don't know..."

he felt jackson place his hand on his shoulder, his fingers dancing in a comforting rub.

"well," he cleared his throat, "let's look at the basics of this whole situation.'

taehyung nodded, wiping his tears off his cheeks and sucked in a deep breath. it's time to woman up.

"okay sooo....."  he rubbed his chin. "you are a very diligent homosexual, are you not?"

taehyung deadpanned.

"really? i thought that it was a very straight thing to put cock in your mouth."

"ooh, let's add  cocky little shit to the list too, okay..."

taehyung snorted. jackson always made taehyung laugh when he came for emotional support.

"okay, and your step dad is a prick, you and your mom are, well... yeah."

taehyung nodded.

"you sucked jeongguk's dick once, and then all of the sudden you go missing from school and your home, only to show up on my doorstep the next day."

wow... had taehyung not filled jackson in? because there was alot missing.

"oh! and you can't forget that erratic thigh riding you partook in with jeongguk."

taehyung went red.

"and! you think that maybe you like jeongguk. or at least that's what was happening last thursday."

taehyung chuckled. it wasn't really a chuckle though, it was too awkward to resemble anything stereotypically masculine like the word, "chuckle." instead, what taehyung did was a small, breathy and awkward giggle. honestly, it probably wasn't even a giggle due to how much awkwardness it upheld.

anyways, moving on from taehyung's weird laugh thing that he did...

"you aren't up to date..." he poked jackson's nose, clearing his throat.

"i was at jeongguk's house-"

"not surprising."

"and, he kissed me."

"once again, not surprising."

"we didn't fuck though..."


"and i left early crying."


"oh! and i sucked the nurse off at school, but then ended up throwing up. i don't know why, i'm not sick or anything. i just felt... dirty? and the money felt dirty to, so i disposed of it."


taehyung looked up to see a very shocked looking jackson.

"and uhm... because of me throwing up, i went to jeongguk's house. that's why i was there..."

jackson sighed, crossing his arms.

"i'm gonna be real with you, tae... you are fucking whipped for jeongguk."

well if that wasn't obvious.


"he's fucking whipped for you too."

taehyung shook his head. "no, he's not. he just wants a good fuck or some shit."

the face jackson made was priceless.

"how fucking dense are you?! he took you home and didn't stuff his cock up your virgin ass!"

taehyung scratched the back of his neck.

"well he almost did, but when i told him that little... uh, virgin detail he didn't do it. he said that he wanted my first time to be special."

jackson's hand came into contact with his forehead with a harsh 'smack!' "you just proved my fucking point for me!"

taehyung just say there, unsure of what to say or how to act.

"listen, i think you should go try talking to someone who has more, uh
... experience with this while dating scene. because i sure fucking don't have any."

taehyung nodded, standing up.

"then i know just who to go to..."


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