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"jeongguk, this is sweet and all... but you should really stop fucking crying."

jeongguk sniffed, bodily fluids smearing onto the white sheets taehyung was currently lying underneath. after shaking his head he sat up straight, bloodshot eyes meeting taehyung's.

"'m sorry but it's just that..." his shoulders began to shake, his hands gesturing toward's the elder. "i thought that you would be... i don't fucking know.... dead? dying?"

the waterworks returned, taehyung sighing and offering his hand to the sobbing wreck. jeongguk greedily snatched it, fingers tightening around his wrist and palm. "don't ever fucking scare me like that again, tae."

taehyung smiled, inwardly wincing at the vice-like grip wrapping around his hand.

jeongguk seemed to calm once more, a few more sobs leaving his lips until only little sniffs were all that was left.

"w-what happened?"

taehyung sighed, wiggling his bum on the hospital bed in a poor attempt at gaining comfort. he thought for a moment, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. how should he word this exactly?

"well," he cleared his throat. "well, my step-dad... he..." he trailed off, eyes darting into the distance.

jeongguk went stiff, fear and wrath enrapturing every fiber within him. he was going to make that sick, disgusting man become the dirt on his shoe, so help him god.

"he...?" jeongguk questioned. he felt his jaw clench, ready to pummel the old excuse for a human being before taehyung spoke.

"let's just say that he isn't really my step dad anymore."

bewilderment was an understatement when describing how that made jeongguk feel. "what?" was the only word that he would voice, however, that would even hint to his current state.

"i collapsed, walking in on him..." he gasped, eyes darting frantically across the bumps that were his blanketed toes. "hurting her. i don't know if it was the... the panic? or the hunger? maybe both..."

his fingers began tapping in jeongguk's hands, the events replaying behind taehyung's eyes.

"but all i know is that he is no longer associated with us, and i woke up here. in the most depressing place i have ever laid eyes on."

taehyung chuckled at his own poor attempt at a joke, still sensing jeongguk's intensity. he quieted soon enough though, eyes darting to the still boy besides him.

"like, seriously though. they should at least add some color or... something..."

jeongguk, eyes still red and cheeks still sticky with tears nodded, a heavy breath leaving him. "are... are you hungry?"

his words seemed sincere, the younger pushing aside any anger for the human swine for later.

taehyung shook his head no, teeth softly digging into his plush bottom lip. "i had lunch about an hour ago. but i'm fine, thanks." he tilted his head to the bedside table, a mess of a stained, yet empty plate as well as a half finished glass of milk.

"you didn't finish your milk though." jeongguk pulled off a pout, silently pleading to the elder to finish the dairy beverage.

"but i don't like milk that much." taehyung whined "i'm not like one of those freaks who drink like.... three gallons a week or anything."

jeongguk laughed, the destructive twinge in his heart melting into that which was only love. "yeah," he mused. "i bet those weirdos would like... fuck on a fridge full of milk or something."

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