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jeongguk's house was nice, taehyung decided. there wasn't much to look at from the outside, just pale shutters and a few flowering plants. it was small and quaint, with a wired fence circling the perimeter.

the inside, however, was what made taehyung finally decide that he enjoyed jeongguk's home.

taehyung was no longer perched on jeongguk's back (sadly,) but rather loosely entwined their fingers. it wasn't hand-holding per say, yet it still held that same level of intimacy. bounding up the concrete steps, jeongguk slowly turned to taehyung.

"now, my mom..." he began, and taehyung audibly gulped. what if she didn't like him. i mean, he wasn't jeongguk's boyfriend or anything... they just did stuff in the past, and as of today kiss sometimes... but that doesn't mean that they're in a relationship. right? right?! "my mother can be a bit... strange. but she's nice, really nice." jeongguk gave a small chuckle at that moving to un-pocket his keys. yet before he could remove them from their denim threshold, the door thumped and opened.

"jeon jeongguk, what in the actual flying fuck do you think that you are doing on my front porch with a beautiful boy during school hours, hmm?"

taehyung liked her already.

jeongguk seemed to cower back at her comment, which was peculiar. for jeon motherfucking jeongguk never cowers for anything... especially for short, plump middle-aged women that he had the pleasure of calling mother.

"h-he was sick, ma."

oh, that was cute. jeongguk looked scared, his ears were red and he seemed especially interested in the fuzzy place mat on the ground below him. a minute passed, and then another. there seemed to be an intense starring contest between jeongguk's mother and the top of jeongguk's head.

"well at least invite him inside. god, you're a terrible host."

jeongguk mumbled a quiet, 'okay' before ushering taehyung inside with a hand on his lower back. taehyung grinned at the woman, who returned a bright and blinding smile, showing who jeongguk gets his cheeky grin from.

the walls were a creamy brown, like an over-priced latte at some boujee cafe. there were two brown couches, and an awfully colorful rug. nothing seemed to match from that point on, with the mix n' matched frames and some poorly attempted macaroni art on the walls.

"thank you for welco- oh my!"

jeongguk whisked taehyung away before he could finish his thought, dragging him down a hall and into a room that was presumably jeongguk's. being tossed onto a small, twin-sized bed, he looked up to see jeongguk slam the door behind him, red in the face.

"rule number one with my mother: do not speak to her unless spoken to."

taehyung shifted, leaning up and resting his weight on his elbows.

"her rule or yours?"

bj boy // taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now