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"what the fuck, mom?"

jeongguk, as we mentioned in previous chapters, truly did love his mother and put her at high regards. however, she seemed to have a fit of dismantled road rage when driving them to the hospital to see jeongguk's... jeongguk's...

well, what exactly would you call them, i have no clue. friends with benefits seemed the most appropriate, yet for the strangest reason it made jeongguk's heart ache in an unwelcome way. weird.

either way, it had been three days since taehyung had been registered into the hospital. jeongguk wasn't exactly quite sure why, yet he had a suspicion or two. taehyung's condition was also unknown and it made jeongguk worry, the worst of thoughts coming to his mind.

jeongguk's mom payed him no mind, simply humming a response to his previous explicit. she twisted the steering wheel one way to another, fingers drumming upon it's surface rhythmically. the outside world bustled with life as the small honda roared with energy, buzzing it's way down busy roads, the driver barely missing other cars and road signs. jeongguk sighed as he watched his mother speed past another bright red stop sign, obviously not paying any mind to it's purpose whatsoever. it seemed as though she was in more of a rush than jeongguk himself.

she almost ran over three kids too, but hey... maybe they'll learn to stop playing in the fucking street next time. ass hats.

five or so more turns, the car throwing it's passengers to and fro, when finally the extensive hospital peaked from the horizon, growing in size the closer they came to it. the sight of it was making jeongguk's heart race a little.

he needed to be there for taehyung, whether the boy wanted him to be or not.

finding a parking spot was quite the puzzle to jeongguk and his mother, rows and rows of cars filling the area neatly, like documents filed to a 't.'

as soon as an empty spot was found and the car was put into park, jeongguk rushed out of the car on stumbling legs. the new boost of energy laced itself across his bones, urging him to go faster. so, he did, the steady thump, thump, thump of his feet hitting the ground no close to the speed of his heart. with jeongguk's eyes on the target (read: the entrance,) he felt the wind brush his face as he darted down the black tarmac and had nearly gotten hit by several cars in the process.

he would've felt like a hypocrite to those children dodging his mother's vehicle if he wasn't so focused on the task at hand.

a few more paces and he was there, wasting no time in shoving open the doors and stepping inside. the cold ac pricked at his skin, too cold for anyone's liking, as he made his way up to the front desk.

"u-uhm, excuse me... i'm looking for someone...?" his voice squeaked, and he felt like less of a man than he ever has, even that day three years ago when his mother caught him watching my little pony. she will never live that down, will she?

"okay," the woman said, her emasculate crimson acrylics clacking on the keyboard obnoxiously. "name, please?"

"mine or his?"

she paused looking at jeongguk with a deadpan expression. "the person you're here to see, sweetheart." her voice, despite her words, lacked kindness.

jeongguk gulped.

"taehyung. kim taehyung..."

the quiet lobby filled with the clacking of her nails on the keys, and if jeongguk had to endure any more of it he would -clack  clack- kill himself.

she sighed. "well, you're in the wrong hospital wing. this is the children's wing." she picked up a pen, scribbling the ink on a sticky note. "this is the wing that you're looking for, dear. just follow the instructions."

jeongguk's heart dropped as he took the sticky note. not only was he farther from seeing taehyung than he believed, but... one look at the tacky blue sticky note... he gulped, fear painting him green.

the emergency room.

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