I wanna run back
Back to the past
Things weren't all that good
But they weren't all that bad
Least I could smile
Play in the dirt
Run around in the rain
Not loose my breath
I could feel at peace
Out in our back yard
The piece of forest that I could call mine
I had a space to myself
Where I could shut the door
Shut out the world
Turn off the lights
Squeeze into my closet closing it's doors
Locking myself safe inside
Back then I was mature
Thought deeper than I do now
I had space to myself
I didn't feel trapped
I'm not asking for my innocence back
Gods know I don't want that
I just want back that feeling of freedom
Like I was myself
The feeling of standing outside
Wind on my face
Fog coloring the sky a beautiful gray
Stringy grass and hard dirt beneath my feet
As I listened to the birds high up in the pine trees
I miss that sense of belonging
That feeling of worth
I miss all the crazy stunts I would do just for fun
Every time I get a glimpse of that feeling
The rush it comes with
I just want to jump out of my skin
And chase after it
Back to the past
The place where I felt safe
Maybe that's why I act so childish nowdays
Instead of being solum and quiet
Pondering the many questions I had
Being able to sit for hours
With out a word said
Feeling content just to be
I miss that life
I cry all the time
Wishing it back
Wishing I could run back to the past
PoetryJust some poetry I write about being ftm trans* and other stuff. Some unfinished, others finished. A mix of the good and the bad