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I jumped in my dream to bright lights coming toward our car. Thomas was drunk once again. What in the world had gotten into me that I let him drive drunk, or even worse with me in the car?

I guess it was just a dream, just like every other time. That must have been why I wasn't able to control myself and get out of the car.

I knew he was drunk, but something in me couldn't let him drive by himself. I was so stupid, but being around Thomas made me just that, stupid.

*BEEP* I cringed as I heard my alarm go off. It was five in the morning. It was just a dream. I always dreaded these kinds of Saturday mornings. I turned around and bumped Addie who was sleeping beside me.

"Get up," I mumbled.

"Why do we have to get up so early, Kass?" she groaned.

We always loved getting up and flying with our moms wherever their work took them. In this case we were going to Atlanta, Georgia, but this wasn't like any other trip. We were going to be there for a while.

Yep, you guessed it, we were moving.

Both of our mothers worked together for a production company and they were being transferred to another office in Atlanta from San Antonio where we lived.

Of course, with them working so closely together, you would only guess how close Addie and I would be. She also knew about my nightmares but encouraged not let them bother me. That was easier said than done due to the fact that I had them so often. My brain wouldn't let me forget them, or Thomas for that matter. They would always creep up on me when I least expected it, never letting me forget their existence.

Our mothers had been working together for almost fourteen years now. So, that's just about how long we had been friends. We accompanied each other on all of our mother's trips together, and you might think otherwise but it's pretty fun. Especially when you have your best friend with you. Addie was like the sister I never had.

My mom was a single mom, so it was easy for me and my little brother to pick up and move, but not so easy for Addie's family. Her parents are still together, but she was an only child. We had already picked out our new home in Atlanta but moving from Texas across half the United States was kind of tricky. We had been planning this for a few weeks now, I guess you only have a short amount of time to actually get yourself situated in these types of situations.

They promoted a few other employees as well. My mother told me that they all came together and paid for a private plane for everyone to travel, since of course they were all picking everything up and moving as well. I bet they thought it would be easier to move everyone's families. It was a pretty well-paying job at that, so I guess they all could afford it with no problems.

Addie spent the night with me last night because her mom had been in packing mode for the past week, and of course, Addie didn't want anything to do with it. She told her to get out for a day so she could make sure Addie had everything packed and ready to go.

Addie loved waiting till the last minute to do things. But I couldn't say anything, that was exactly how I was as well. With my mom around, everything was done when it was supposed to get done and how it was supposed to get done.

I loved my mom, but she was a neat freak; But after spending a few weekends down the street at Addie's house I realized that's how I liked it too.

"You take so long to get ready Kass," Addie giggled as she brushed out her hair and threw it up into a bun.

I couldn't help it, with all of the hair and freckles I had, it took so long for me to get ready. If it wasn't the hour it took me to straighten it or curl it, it was the other hour I spent doing my makeup trying to cover up my stupid freckles. My mother used to always tell me they were so beautiful and that she didn't understand why I would try my hardest to cover them up. I just felt insecure about them, but I couldn't tell you why. I had no idea.

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