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I threw on some skinny jeans and a sweater and headed out with Addie. I was happy I could finally wear them since I didn't have my cast or boot on. My hair was already done from earlier this morning, so I just brushed it out. I tried to think positive thoughts, but part of me felt guilty for not saying 'I love you' back to Nick. I really was in love with him. No one has ever treated me so tenderly with love and respect. I was anxious to see Nick, but I had a bad feeling growing in the pit of my stomach that it might not end well. I might leave the apartment single.

On the car ride to the apartment, I explained to Addie why I was feeling anxious.

"Kass, it is going to be okay; Nick loves you."

Her statement calmed me down a little, but if he loved me still, why was he being so short and distant with me? She looked over at me with a reassuring smile before we pulled in front of the boy's apartment.

As we walked up to the stairs, Addie told me to wait at the bottom. I said okay with a confused look on my face. What is going on? I was starting to get nervous. Addie walked up the stairs and into the apartment. She closed the door behind her which left me even more confused than I was before. Seconds later the door reopened and Nick walked out.

"Come here," he said softly. I slowly limped up the stairs and stood in front of him. He had the door cracked behind him.

"What is going on?" I blurted out.

"First off, you look beautiful tonight. I hope your ankle is doing okay without the boot," Nick paused, took a deep breath and kept going. I furrowed my eyebrows as he continued, "I am sorry I have been so distant lately. I have never really felt this way about a person." He took my hands in his and brought them up to his chest. He held them there and kept going. "You know what, just follow me inside." I did as he said and followed him into the apartment.

As we walked in, it was dark, Nick reached and flicked on the light switch to reveal the most beautiful set up I had ever seen. A string of lights trailed down the hallway and lead into Nick's room. As I followed them and turned the corner, my heart exploded. No one has ever done anything like this for me. The candles continued into his room and led to his bed which was covered in rose petals.

"This i-is beautiful," I stuttered out. I was in shock. The scenery in the room was so perfect.

"You're beautiful," Nick stated and stepped in front of me while gazing down into my eyes. I smiled slightly noticing my face getting hot. I am glad the lights were dim so he couldn't see how much I was blushing.

"I just wanted to tell you how lucky of a man I am to have you in my life, Kassidy."

My heart was swelling with love and happiness to his words.

"I meant what I said when I gave you that necklace. You have gracefully taken over my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are the strongest person I have ever met. You take any obstacle that comes your way and handle it flawlessly. You are flawless. You are beautiful. You are perfect. I love you Kassidy. I know you think that no one will ever treat you right. I know you think that you don't deserve happiness, but you do. You deserve the world and I want to be the man to give it to you. I will protect you; I promise. You don't have to worry about anything with me, not anymore."

Tears welled up in my eyes at his words. Here I was thinking Nick might end things with me and he goes and does this. I have never experienced anything like this. I squeezed his hands before I brought my face to his and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. I kept my face close to his, looked down and bit my lip. "I love you too," I whispered to him and slowly looked up at him. A smile grew on his face as he whipped the tear that had fallen down my cheek with the pad of his thumb. He gently caressed my cheek as we continued to kiss. I pulled away and took in his room one more time.

I walked over and sat on the bed and played with the rose petals that were scattered throughout. So velvety and so soft. Addie came strolling in the room with a big smile planted on her face. "You knew, didn't you?" I looked at her with a serious face.

She just continued to smile and gave me a hug. I couldn't hold my straight face anymore as it inevitably turned into a smile as well.

"Aren't y'all going to the party?" I hinted to Nick and Addie. It was almost ten.

"Brandon and I are, but Nick is not," she winked at me.

Relief rushed over my body. "You're staying here?" I questioned. Nick came and sat on the bed next to me.

"Of course. Did you think I would honestly go to the party without you? Or leave you here?" he chuckled.

"I don't know," I said and looked down at my feet. Nick tilted my chin up with his hand, so I was eye level with him.

"No, I wouldn't." He kissed my lips. His sweet taste was all I needed.

"So, we are not planning on staying long, we will be back soon." Addie blew me a kiss before her, and Brandon left the apartment.

Nick took my hand and led me to the couch. "What are we going to do tonight?" I asked Nick as we both sat onto the couch.

"I have a pile of movies beside the T.V. if you wanted to watch any of them?"

I bent down and sat on my knees while I went through the movies. There were mainly action movies, but I came across one that was kind of intriguing. "Me before you?" I asked Nick. I was wondering why such a love story was in the stack of movies at an all guys apartment.

"Oh," Nick laughed, "Addie and Brandon were watching that the other night."

"Well, I saw the trailer, but I haven't seen it, we should watch it," I suggested.

"Anything you'd like. Put it in babe."

My heart fluttered to the sound of Nick calling me babe. I gave a slight smile and clicked the DVD player on while I put in the movie. I hoped back onto the couch with Nick and snuggled in closer to him. "Want some popcorn?" Nick asked.

"I would love some popcorn," I answered and widened my eyes with joy.

As the popcorn popped away in the microwave, I skipped through the beginning commercials and trailers. The popcorn got done as soon as the movie started playing. Nick shook out all of the popcorn into a big bowl and walked back over to me. The buttery scent filled the room and made my stomach yell. Nick slid his arm underneath my back and pulled me close to him as the movie started.

Halfway through we had finished the popcorn completely as we were fully engaged in the movie. The main character in the movie was a bright young girl who got a job as the caretaker of a disabled man, of course they were bound to fall in love. The plots of these movies were so cliché but that didn't stop us females from watching them in awe and wishing our lives were the same. As much as I had been through, I was so blessed to have Nick next to me. Right now, my life kind of felt like a movie.A very dramatic movie.

The story is only getting better from here!

I hope you're enjoying!

Don't forget to comment and vote.

-Tay 🌸

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