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We got called back a few minutes later to a room and the doctor came in. He took x-rays and cleaned up the gash on my knee.

After what seemed like forever waiting, he finally walked back in and said, "So, Miss Kassidy. It seems you have got yourself a fractured ankle."

My heart dropped. I felt the cheer season slip through my hands and break all over the floor. I frowned at him.

"But, the good news is we have got a bunch of different color casts for you to choose from! The bruising on your cheekbone should go down in a few days, but it isn't broken. Your knee looks fine but needs to be rinsed and thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day to prevent any bacteria from growing. It will make it feel better as well," he winked at me.

We asked him a few questions and my mom got all of my prescriptions and stuff settled at the front desk. A nurse wheeled me into another room where I got my cast. I picked out a light pink color, after all that was my favorite. While they were fixing me up, I texted Addie back and told her the news. I then texted Nick and told him I was fine. I didn't want to tell him that I had fractured my ankle, I felt embarrassed. I took a nap on the ride home. The medicine they prescribed me was strong.

When I got home, Addie ran out of the door to meet me. She helped me out of the car and up the stairs. It was no fun to lug around a cast. I better get used to it because that was my life for the next month and a half.

I ended up sleeping the rest of the day. Addie never left, she brought me everything I needed. I didn't really pay any attention to my phone the rest of the weekend. I was kind of out of it. I slept on and off and I barley ate. It seemed as if the only time I got a break from the pain in my ankle was when I was sleeping anyway. It was like another level of depression. No matter how hard I tried to think positive, I just couldn't make myself happy. How could the day start out so perfectly and then end up so awful?

Monday morning rolled around, I got up and got dressed. As hard as it was to actually get pants on over my cast, I did so anyway. My mother told me I didn't have to go to school but with the worst days behind me, I did not want a lot of make up work. The fact that I wanted to see Nick was there too. Addie put my stuff in the car and smiled at me.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

"I know someone who missed you!" she giggled.

I figured it was Nick. I had been reading all the messages that everyone had been sending me, including Nick's but I was too tired and hyped up on meds to text anyone back. I am sure Addie was letting him know how I was doing anyway.

When we got to school, she took my book bag from me and handed me my crutches.

"Give me that back, I'm not dying." I tried to laugh and snatched it back. I threw one strap around my shoulder and got comfortable with my crutches and we started walking.

As we got closer to the building, I noticed three guys standing outside of the door. They walked up to us. I could see the worry in Nick's eyes. I didn't want to be seen with this massive bruise on my face. I just looked beat up. I did my best at covering it up with foundation this morning, but you could tell it was still there. It made its appearance known to the whole campus.

Nick took my book bag from me and gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry, Kassidy."

I was too focused on his scent to even hear what he said. I got two more apologetic hugs before we walked in. Nick opened the door for me and Addie and walked in behind us.

Once I got to my seat, he laid my book bag down beside me, pulled out my chair, and smiled.

"Thank you, Nick." I tried my hardest to crack a smile back. The last thing I wanted was to make Nick feel like crap.

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