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The next morning, I woke up around eight. I couldn't go back to sleep. It was almost as if I felt nervous. I wanted to talk to Nick. I needed his encouraging words before I took on the day. There was an hour time difference, I knew it was around seven in Atlanta, but I needed to hear his voice.

Before I could stop myself, I was quietly walking out of the hotel room and onto the balcony, dialing Nick's number. A soft and sweet voice took over the phone. "Kassidy?"

"Hey, I know its early, I just really wanted to hear your voice," I confessed to him.

I honestly didn't think that I could get through today day without it. I stared out to the street and watched the cars pass by one by one.

"You can call me whenever. I don't mind," Nick replied.

"How did it go yesterday?" I heard him yawn.

"It was okay, it was an open casket, it was rough," I answered.

"It's almost over, I know you can do this. You are the strongest person I know," he responded.

I wanted it to be over, but I also didn't. After today, Thomas would be gone forever. We talked for a few about what happened at the viewing. I explained to Nick what Trevor had told me.

"It was just a long few hours," I clarified at the end of my rant.

"I bet; It's going to be okay Kassidy." His voice warmed my heart.

When we ended the phone call, I went back into the hotel and laid down. Once I finally shut my eyes, Bryce got up and started his morning ruckus.

"Really Bryce," I called to him.

He rolled his eyes, smacked his lips, grabbed his things, and headed to the bathroom. My mom rolled over and grabbed her phone off of her charger. She had been on it a lot lately. My guess was she was talking to Addie's mom.

"When are we leaving?" I asked her.

"Our plane is leaving tomorrow at nine," she stated. "I am going to try to make it to work Sunday again."

That was understandable. I kind of ruined her work day last Sunday with the horrible news. Thomas's funeral was supposed to be at two today. I wasn't ready for it, but I had to be.

My mother took us out for lunch again. We went to the Cracker Barrel. That was her favorite place to eat. After I scarfed down some chicken and dumplings, it was almost time for Thomas's Funeral.

When we arrived at the funeral home for Thomas's service, Mr. and Mrs. Bounds greeted us at the door. Butterflies fluttered throughout my stomach as I gave them both a hug. The scenery was dark.

We continued into the building and made our way through a crowd of people. I found a few of my high school friends and engaged in small talk with them.

An hour later I was tired of hearing 'Are you okay?' and 'How are you holding up?' The truth was that I was trying to hold up the best that I could.

During the hard questions, I remembered Nick's words on the phone earlier. I could do this. I gripped my necklace and continued chatting.

Soon enough, it was time for the service. I found my mother chatting with one of my old English teachers and Bryce talking to a girl, I led them to a few seats near the front and we sat down.

The pastor held a beautiful service, he preached about faith and guidance. When the preacher finished with the service and elaborating on Thomas's beautiful life, we all stood while the pallbearers came forth and carried Thomas out.

As they passed our row, my heart raced and tears fought to escape my eyes. I let one slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. Bryce must have seen because he lifted his hand and placed it on my shoulder.

We followed the pallbearer's row by row outside and gathered around while they carefully loaded Thomas into the Hearst. I could feel the tears try to force themselves out. I held them in and tried to focus on the service. Everyone headed to their cars and we pulled out one by one and followed the Hearst. There were a few taxis waiting also to take the ones without cars.

"Do you know what church we are going to?" I asked my mother.

"I don't know honey we will just have to see when we get there," she answered.

I just stared out the window to her response. Thomas's family went to a few different churches. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. A message from Nick popped up and Addie had tagged me in a few things on social media.

I opened Nick's message first and it read, "I am glad you called me this morning Kassidy. I hope you have a good day."

I smiled at the sweet message Nick had sent me. I was just about to text him back when I noticed that we had pulled into a church parking lot.
I quickly shut my phone off as my mother found a place for the driver to pull over.

Here we go. I thought to myself as we all stepped out of the car and followed the crowd of people to the Hearst.

We gathered around once again as they opened the doors revealing Thomas's casket. We followed closely behind as they carried him to the tent that was set up for him in the B section of the cemetery.

We let the elderly sit down in the chairs and everyone else grouped around as they set him down gently onto the metal table. The preacher said a few words and they began to lower Thomas into the ground. I heard soft cries coming from all around the crowd of people. Thomas's mother began to sob. My mother grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I moved closer to her and laid my head on her arm. Tears built up in my eyes, but they didn't fall. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, took a deep breath and tried to dry them up. What would I look like crying at my ex's funeral?

As they continued to lower him into the ground, I felt like a piece of my past was being laid to rest with him. His note explained so much. So much that I should have gotten to read earlier. So, I could forgive him in person, but now I will never have that chance.

Once they got him a certain distance into the ground, we all vacated. I am guessing they did the rest themselves.

As we walked into the church, I was surprised to find a long table full of foods and snacks. The guests started digging in, but I couldn't seem to eat. I walked along side my mother while she got a few items. I turned behind me to look at Bryce's plate which was already filled up. I rolled my eyes and a slight smile wiped across my face. Bryce was always hungry.

"What are we doing after this?" Bryce asked stuffing the last piece of a roll into his face.

"I think there should be some good lifetime movies on T.V.," my mother answered.

Bryce rolled his eyes and said, "Is it okay if I spend the night with Dylan? I haven't seen him forever." Bryce was practically begging my her.

"Don't forget about our flight tomorrow, but I guess that is fine."

Once the words came out of my mother's mouth Bryce practically jumped out of his seat. I was happy for him, I knew he hadn't seen his friend in a while. He wasn't as fortunate enough as to have his best friend move with him.

"I do hope you visit if you are ever in town again. You remember what I told you yesterday right?" Mrs. Bounds hugged me tight.

"Yes ma'am."

Her words flew through my mind. I was always welcome at her house. I didn't understand how one woman could be so selfless.

We said our goodbyes and headed to the Taxi that was waiting for us outside. Dylan was waiting for Bryce when we pulled into the Hotel parking lot. He ran inside to get his things and hugged both of us bye.

"You better be careful and don't do anything stupid." My mother sent him a glare seasoned with good intentions. She told him she loved him before he climbed into the car and left.

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Hope you guys enjoyed.

-Tay 🍂

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