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Nick slowly leaned in. Before I closed my eyes, I took a brief second to take in his appearance. His dark hair shined in the presence of the moon. His eyes were greener than ever. Eyelashes still as long as they were the first time that I woke up next to him. It was a little chilly out which didn't help the fact that my goosebumps were popping out like flowers in the spring.

When I felt his lips touch mine for the first time, it was incredible. They were so soft. I was so sensitive to his touch. A burst of nausea splashed around my stomach, turning into something warm. He caressed my cheek as I repositioned my tongue and played with his. I could do this all day. I reached my hand around his waist and tugged at his shirt, trying to take in as much of him as I possibly could.

After what seemed like a few long minutes of pure passion, coming up for air every few seconds, I pulled away. I stared into his eyes and realized just how lucky I was. There was something about his eyes. They were so green; it was like staring into a dark green swamp. Watching the ripples in the water turn and move around. When I stared into them, I didn't care how insecure I was. I didn't care if I didn't think I was ready yet. None of that mattered anymore. I just wanted him.

He leaned back in once more and pecked my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kassidy," he assured.

He pulled me in for a tight hug and left. I limped back up to my room completely and utterly starstruck. That couldn't have gone more perfect. I laid back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I tried to gift wrap each second of our kiss so I could keep them in my mind forever.

I fell asleep thinking about how different my life would be if I hadn't had moved to Atlanta. If I had never met Nick. I tossed and turned all night long. I hated it. I couldn't get comfortable with this annoying cast. The way my ankle was throbbing, I couldn't get closure scratching it or moving it because the cast was in the way. I'm sure my night with Nick enhanced my insomnia.

A quick thought of Nick rushed through my mind. Was he as giddy as I was after our first kiss? I felt like a fangirl. I felt immature, but I just couldn't break away from being totally happy. I began to get restless and that made my attitude explode. I let out a deep sigh, threw myself up and stumbled through the dark to my mother's room.

"Mom?" I peered through the dark room as the door creaked open.

"Yes, sweetie?" A shadow emerged from the bed.

"I need some more medicine; my ankle is killing me, and I can't sleep." I could probably get it myself but there is something that comforts me about my mother helping me. She inched out of bed and walked with me down stairs.

The medicine cabinet creaked open and the pill bottles rattled as she shook out some tablets. I glanced at the time on the oven clock and it read four fifty-seven. I suddenly felt guilty for awakening my mother, as she would have to get up in less than an hour and a half for work. "I didn't know it was this early, I'm sorry mom," I said and took the pills from her as she ran some water in a clean cup.

"It's okay Kass," she said, giving me a small hug and  walked behind me back up the stairs. I picked up my phone when I got back to my room as I laid back down in bed. No messages. Probably because no one was up this early.

I woke up the next morning as I rolled over and felt the lingering ache of my ankle. As I walked downstairs to get something to eat for breakfast, I noticed a note left by my mother on the counter near the fridge.

Normally they were a list of chores for me and Bryce to compete before she got home from work. She didn't normally work on Sundays, but since she had Thanksgiving week off, she wanted to pull some overtime hours.

The note read, 'I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow to get another appointment in for a checkup on your ankle. Tell Bryce he needs to vacuum and sweep the kitchen before I get home tonight, Love you.'

I chuckled at the fact that I got excluded from chores because of my ankle. I normally did the majority of them anyway, so it was nice for Bryce to actually do some chores. Since he was younger, he always got the easy ones.

I stopped by Bryce's room before I headed to mine to take a bath and told him what our mother had said, and he groaned with annoyance. I brushed it off and slid into the hot bubble bath I ran myself, making sure that my foot never touched the water.

Maybe at this appointment they can take off this cast and just give me a boot? I let my face soak in a face mask as did my body in the bubble bath.

When I finished bathing off, I got dressed and flopped back into bed. Shortly after I clicked on my T.V., Addie swung open my door with a smile.

"BOO!" she laughed at her fake attempt to scare me. "What do you want to do today? Did you forget that today is Halloween?" she smiled at me.

"No, I don't know, and my ankle is still hurting," I answered all of her questions.

"Well, Nick and Brandon are waiting in their car outside," she laughed and threw me my shoe.

I switched my T.V. off and headed down stairs behind Addie. I didn't put on any makeup as I wanted to give my face a break from it, another reason would be that Nick loved my freckles.

I also wasn't sure if I was going to cry today. I have been an emotional nutcase lately I didn't understand why people still wanted to hang out with me. Oh well. I mentioned to Addie in small detail what had happened the night before, while on our way out the door. I told her the bare minimum so she wouldn't make a big deal about it, but I still was completely blown away by the details as I reviewed them in my mind.

As I strayed from those thoughts, I wondered what Brandon and Nick had planned for the day. Nick got out of the jeep and opened the passenger door. I hobbled in and he shut it behind me as he smiled and told me "Good morning."

"What do you guys have planned today?" I asked curiously. With it being almost noon, I hoped it would involve food. I had oatmeal not too long ago, but not enough to fill me up.

"How about a movie?" Brandon offered.

"That sounds fun." Addie replied.

"What movies are they showing today?" I asked.

I pulled out my phone as Addie did and we started searching the internet. "Avengers is already out!" Addie said excitedly. You could tell Addie was excited. She liked superhero movies. I wasn't that into action, but I always went with her to see the Avengers movies, so I was ready for 'End Game' to come out as well.

"That sounds like a good choice," I assured. The boys agreed and Nick drove us to the nearest movie theater. We walked in and waited in line to buy our tickets and get a few snacks. Popcorn didn't sound like a bad option for lunch, so I went along with it. Nick and I got a big bucket for us to share, while Brandon and Addie stuck with candy.

The movie lingered on for hours. It was very long and didn't end well in my opinion. Half of the avengers perished by the end of the movie. Oops, spoiler. It was a very dramatic ending which would only leave you guessing when the next movie will come out. Great. Now I have to wait for that one as well. I didn't mind as though I liked any movie Robert Downey Jr. was in. His role as Iron Man was my favorite.

As we walked outside, we squinted our eyes to adjust to the brightness. I felt a familiar buzz inside my front pocket. I slid out my phone and a wave of confusion streamed across my face.

What's going to happen next?

As always shoot me messages if you have any questions about the story!

I'm loving all the feedback and private messages it means the WORLD to me to have people reading.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

-Tay 🌹

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