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We said our goodbyes to what was left of Nick's family and headed out. It was close to nine when we eventually pulled out of the long driveway.

As Nick and I walked into my house my mother was cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey guys! How was it?" she asked while drying her hands with the kitchen towel.

"I am still full. I will probably be full for the next few days," I joked.

"She definitely ate a lot," Nick laughed while nudging me playfully. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yall want some homemade ice cream?" My mother asked.

"That would be awesome." Nick seemed to get excited.

"I am super full, but I could eat some ice cream, I said while putting a little too much emphasis on the 'but.' I practically ran towards the freezer and pulled out the bowl of ice cream. It was already halfway gone, and I knew exactly why. Bryce loved ice cream. I am almost positive it was him that ate half of it.

As if it was right on que, Bryce came strolling down the stairs. "Kass, can you make me a bowl?" Bryce begged.

"I wonder how much you have had already," I snapped back good-humoredly while pulling three bowls out of the top cabinet. I grabbed the sprinkles and chocolate syrup and handed Nick the ice cream scooper. As he began to scoop the ice cream out, Bryce took the first bowl and squirted out almost all of the chocolate syrup.

"Save some for us, fatty," I snatched the syrup from him and began to squeeze a little on my bowl. Nick did the same and we finished ours off with a few shakes of sprinkles. "Perfect," I said licking my fingers and heading to the living room with my bowl.

As you know Bryce and I love watching scary movies. We picked The Nun. As the movie got scarier, I held on tight to Nick. I looped my arm through his and rested my head on his shoulder so I could look away when the nun would appear. This movie really was freaky.

When the movie ended, I walked Nick out to his Jeep. We stood there in silence for a few minutes as I noticed Nick beginning to look awkward.

"So, Kassidy, I wanted to ask you a question."

My stomach started to turn to his request. "Yeah, sure," I stammered back.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, or if it is too personal. I just want to know everything about you," Nick paused and stepped closer to me while leaning onto his Jeep and cautiously continued, "What happened to your dad? I notice you and Bryce don't talk about him."

I took a deep breath to his question. I really wasn't planning on having another heart to heart with Nick tonight, but he was right. Nick should be open to ask me whatever he wants. This conversation would have come up sooner or later, I might as well get it over with now. I let out a deep sigh before I opened my mouth and spoke, "Well, my dad has always been a weekend type of dad ever since him and my mother split up. I always thought they split up because of me but as I got older, I realized it was because he was a drunk. He treated my mother like crap for so long, they only reason she stayed with him was for our benefit. Basically, so we wouldn't have to grow up without a father."

I looked away from Nick as I knew the conversation was about to get emotional. I stared off into the night as if the adjectives to describe this man would be there and continued, "I never really knew why my dad left us, maybe it was because he wasn't ready to be a dad? Maybe it is because he didn't know how to be a dad. Bryce and I have always leaned on each other for support in that sense, since we didn't have that father figure. My mother has raised us beautifully. Our grandparents always made sure he kept up with his dad responsibilities before they died, but you can't make someone love another person. You can't change a person. They have to want to change themselves. Bryce and I have learned to just accept it and stop asking questions. it is what it is."

Silence filled the air after I stopped speaking. I looked back over to Nick as his eyes were glistening. He said nothing as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Kassidy, you never cease to amaze me. I love you."

I was happy that Nick knew about my father now. I have never felt so comfortable expressing my self to anyone but Addie. This feeling was amazing. "I love you too," I muffled out into Nicks shirt.

Nick rubbed my back as he let me go. "I never realized how strong your mother is as well. That must be where you get it from," Nick smiled at me.

Upon walking inside and back up the stairs, I felt tired. As I laid in my bed and closed my eyes, I thought to myself how lucky I am. Things may not always be going my way, life has definitely thrown me some curve balls, but at least I had my family and Nick. I was lucky.

Only a few more chapters!

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-Tay 🌿

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