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I woke up to the sound of a door opening. Brandon and Addie weren't necessarily the quietest when it came to coming home from a party.

Both Nick and I jumped to the sound of the door slamming shut behind them.

"Oh my gosh. Were you sleeping, I am so sorry!" Addie laughed a little too loud. I laughed along with her noticing she was drunk.

I looked over at Nick and he smiled back to me. "How was it?" he asked, "Any drama?"

"Of course, not I wasn't there," I joked, but the room got quiet. I realized it hay have been too soon, but at least I was the one making the joke.

"Come on, lets go to bed," Nick motioned for me to get up. I read on my phone as we were cleaning up the living room that it was one in the morning.

"I am taking you to my room," Brandon blurted out while he led Addie down the hall and into his room.

After their door shut, I looked at Nick. "I know what they are doing," he laughed. I scrunched my nose to his comment.I wanted to be that open with Nick, I know I could, but I still didn't think I was ready. I didn't think I would be able to focus on the feeling; I would be too worried about seeing Brody, his eyes.

I shook to my thoughts. "Are you cold?" Nick asked.

"No, I am just ready for bed," I tried to play it off. Nick nodded and we walked back to his room and laid down. We were too tired to pick up all of the rose petals, so we swept them off of the bed and went to sleep.

Sunday came around and Nick fulfilled his duties as he took Brandon to the gym. "So, when is everyone coming over?" I asked Addie as we finished icing the cupcakes and placing them in a box.

"Probably around five or six," she stated.

"How is Nick going to keep him entertained that long?" I laughed.

"They will probably go to the fields after working out."

That made sense.

It was coming up on one already. "We need to hurry up and get to the apartment and start setting up," I said as I grabbed the box of cupcakes and set it on the counter with all of the other party decorations. As we packed up the car, Addie's mom wished us luck and told Addie to tell Brandon 'Happy Birthday' for her.

A few hours later, the apartment was all set up with blue streamers and lights. We had set up all of the snacks and goodies on the counter and of course, we had alcohol. Some of the cheerleaders arrived first and started drinking.

"Now, I don't know the rules of campus on drinking and partying, so we need to try to be respectful of-" I was cut off by Hannah.

"Kass, chill out, everything will be fine, Drink up, Bitch!" she shoved a drink in my face, and I took a huge sip. Flashbacks of last weekend clouded my mind. I could do this. This isn't a big deal. Brody is gone and I don't have anything to worry about. I will never let anything like that happen to me again. I can handle it. Nick should be here soon too. Everything is going to be fine.

Nick ran in the door a little before  six and motioned for us to get ready. Once Brandon walked through the doors, we all screamed, "Happy Birthday!"

A surprised look crossed Brandon's face. We did it. "This is Awesome!" Brandon yelled. Addie jumped in his arms and gave him a long passionate kiss. They were so cute.

Nick walked up to me and placed his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, "Good job, babe."

I grinned his direction and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks," I stated happily.

"Why weren't you guys at the party?" Hannah came up to Nick and I and asked.

"We just decided to stay home," Nick spoke after I hesitated.

I didn't want to tell anyone what happened. I didn't want any rumors to be spread about me around our school either.

As far as everyone knew, I got drunk and blacked out. I would rather everyone think that than actually know the truth. Everyone blacks out at parties. Especially the frat parties. Half of the party migrated to the front lawn of the apartments when someone started a shot gunning contest. Of course, Brandon had to try his hardest to win since it was his birthday. Addie brought the cupcakes outside as well as Brandon and some other football players counted down.

"Hey Kass, so once they get done shot gunning their beers, we are going to pick a player and smush a cupcake in their face," she smiled at me while whispering lightly. I laughed while nodding my head. After hearing what the plan was, I made sure Nick was competing in the contest as well.

While the boys were distracted by gulping down their beers, all of the girls outside grabbed a cupcake and ran up to the boys. Brandon finished first followed by Mason and then Nick. Addie smashed the cupcake all in his face while hysterically laughing. Brandon's smile grew from under the frosting. I took my chance and smeared my cupcake all over Nick's face. I bit my lip waiting for his reaction.

As the girls finished, a whole war broke out. I tried to run from Nick, but his arms wrapped around me and threw me on his shoulders.

"Oh, no you don't!" he yelled.

Nick put me down and ran to pick up a cupcake. I let out a shriek while he rubbed the cupcake along my cheekbone.

"Nicholas!" I yelled at him.

All you could see now were cupcakes being thrown across the lawn. Everyone was playing around and laughing. It was truly amazing. I hadn't had this much fun in a while. Nick grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "No, no!" I screamed. Nick was trying to kiss me with the intent of smearing the frosting on his face, onto mine. I laughed before our lips touched. He turned his head back and forth making sure to get as much frosting off of his mouth and onto mine. It was so cute.

Once everyone came back inside, we were all pretty drunk. Brandon had taken lord knows how many shots, and Addie was right along with him. Addie and I didn't mention to anyone that we had spiked the frosting either.

The sun had disappeared, just like the snacks on the table. Most everyone had already left. It was just us four, Josh and a few football players and cheerleaders. "Today was fun," I slurred out while I leaned into Nick for support. He was standing behind me while we were in the kitchen talking with two of Brandon's friends.

"I am glad," Nick smiled and lowered his head down to kiss me. Brandon and Addie had trailed off to his room once again.

I decided to give you guys a fun chapter astray from all of the drama.


-Tay 🌻

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