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"So, onto a new subject, when are you leaving and how long are you staying in Texas?" I asked Addie who was twiddling with her thumbs.

"Mom told me that we are leaving Tuesday and coming back Friday afternoon."

I guess that wasn't that bad. It was only four days without Addie.

"That isn't that bad," I reassured her.

"I know but all of this just happened and now I don't want to leave you when you need me the most," she added while laying down and placing her head onto my lap.

"I promise you I am fine," I lied. I felt fine, but deep inside I knew I was far from it. I ran my fingers through her hair. I wanted anything but to talk about this subject.

"So, I have some other news that you might be interested in," I gave her a creepy smile.

"What?" she asked.

"I think Nick thought I was sleeping last night when he told me," I paused to give my story a little bit of dramatic flair but continued, "He told me he loved me."

Thinking about that moment again sent a rush of adrenaline through my veins.

"He said what?" Addie got up quickly from my lap and looked at me with pure joy in her eyes.


"Kass, I am so happy for you. I wish you could enjoy it. I wish last night would have never happened, but it brought Nick to realize his feelings for you."

My heart was warm. As horrible as last night was, I guess she was right. His words were just horrible timing for me. I will always remember that night, for the good and the bad.

"So, are you going to tell him you love him back? Do you love him back?" Addie was being nosey now.

"I know I love him, but I don't know if I am ready to tell him yet. I don't know, I am so confused right now. I want to be happy, I have so many reasons to be happy, I just can't."

"Yeah, I know. Everything will work out," she assured me with a hug.

After Addie left, I went downstairs and warmed me up some leftovers. Sunday flew past. I didn't do much but watch Netflix and scary movies with Bryce. It was nice to spend the day with him. Nick and I texted a few times back and forth. My mother cooked us dinner when she got home, and I went to my room to finish a paper that was due tomorrow in History.

When I finished, I laid down and forced myself to sleep. My doctor's appointment came faster than I expected. Sitting in the waiting room, I was more than happy to get the boot off, but I was still feeling depressed.

Addie accompanied me to my appointment again. I was happy to have her support.

"Alright, well the x-rays look great! I am happy to tell you that you can officially take off the boot," the doctor happily stated and smiled at me, then added, "I do have to caution you; I don't want you to be doing anything too strenuous on it for the next few weeks. Just take it easy."

I agreed. Cheer wouldn't be starting for a while anyway, so I could do that. I was careful walking to the car. It felt weird not to have the boot on all the time. They wrapped it before I left though, since I didn't bring my other shoe. It was okay though, I would rather get it completely off and just have it wrapped for a few days. I was excited to actually get to drive again, but I wanted to wait till later.

"So, Sunday is Brandon's birthday," Addie stated as she turned the music down.

"Oh crap. I need to get him a card!" I laughed.

"What are we doing?"

"Well, I already got him a card, I can put your name on it too! I don't know, I was thinking about just making him some cupcakes and surprising him at the apartment Sunday."

"I think that would be fun! I can help you make the cupcakes too," I said, getting a little excited. I texted Nick our plans and he agreed while also letting us know he would take Brandon to the gym Sunday morning so we could decorate the apartment. Addie and I went ahead to the store and got some cake mix and ingredients to make the icing.

"Let's get some chips and snacks too," Addie suggested.

"Why don't we throw a small party?" I asked.

"We don't have any friends," Addie laughed.

"Oh right. Well we can at least invite some of the cheerleaders and footballs players that Brandon is friends with," I replied.

"Yeah, we can do that."

After we got home, I brought everything inside with me and set it on the counter. As I walked up to my room, I thought it would be best to let Bryce know not to touch the snacks. If I didn't tell him, he would eat them for sure.

"Hey, oh sorry," I opened the door and realized Bryce had company. A boy was actually in the room with Bryce.

"Oh, Hey Kass. This is Morgan."

Morgan waved to me and I did the same. Bryce actually made a friend. I was super proud of him.

"Um, the snacks on the counter are from Brandon's birthday, don't touch them," I pointed my finger at Bryce.

"Okay, whatever," Bryce shooed me out of him room and I obliged.

Classes passed by quick on Thursday. Addie and I were super excited to be out of school for a week for fall break and also to celebrate Brandon's Birthday later on in the weekend. Nick had also been acting a little distant around me as well this week. There was another party tonight in honor of fall break, but I wasn't planning on going. I had had enough partying lately. Addie barged into my room in a party outfit.

"You look cute," I smiled at her while flipping through the movies on Netflix. She had on some ripped white jeans and a crop top. Her makeup was fully done, and her hair was slightly curled on the ends.

"You know I can stay home with you if you want Kass."

"No, it is fine, I need some alone time," I joked.

I really wanted Addie to stay with me and have a girl's night but to be honest I know she was looking forward to going to the party. I didn't want to ruin her fun.

"Is Nick going?" I was hesitant to ask.

"I think so," she frowned at me.

"He has been short with me all week; I don't know what is wrong."

If I was being completely honest, I felt like he was losing feelings for me. I had also wondered if it was because of what happened last weekend. Maybe it was because I didn't tell him I loved him back? Addie was quiet.

"Has he said anything to you or Brandon about it?" I asked her.


Addie was being short.

"You should come with me to the apartment and talk to him though," she encouraged.

I thought about it, but if Nick was being distant, shouldn't I give him some time?

"I don't know, I kind of don't want to annoy him, you know?"

"I think you should go, Kass."

I thought long and hard before I decided to get myself together and just go. What is the worst thing that could happen?

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-Tay 🍂

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