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Next thing I know, I plopped down in my seat next to Addie and we prepared ourselves for class. Our professor gave us a study guide to answer to help us with the upcoming exam. I was gracious that he did so, I felt like the study guide would help me out tremendously on the exam, along with my anxiety.

Later, Addie invited me to go eat dinner with her and Brandon at his dad's diner. She knew that I was feeling lonely lately with Nick being gone and on top of that not being able to cheer. I accepted and rode with them there. As down as I have been feeling lately, I could use a good burger. I overheard Brandon say something about a woman that his dad had been talking to and that he didn't quite know how to feel about it on the drive to the diner. He explained that he was happy for his dad, but that it made him miss his mother. I could understand that. My father hadn't died, but as much as I wanted them to get back together, I knew nothing would be the same. My mother had been alone for so many years, I would like to see her happy again. She was always pouring herself into her job. I felt like my father has missed too much of our lives anyway. He would have too much catching up to do. I also think it would only confuse Bryce.

As we walked into the diner, Brandon's dad greeted us at the door and told us to sit anywhere we would like. Our server took our order and Brandon's dad came back to chat some more. "So, Mr. Jones, Brandon tells me you've got a new lady in your life!" Addie joked.

"He is right!"

They spent a few minutes chatting about Mr. Jones new woman, then our food came out. I ate my burger fast, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled the scent of hamburger meat and ketchup. When we finished eating, we said goodbye to Mr. Jones and Brandon took us home. Part of me wanted to go in Addie's room and talk with her before bed but to be honest, I just wanted to be alone. I was ready to see Nick. The fastest way to do that was to go to bed early. I needed some extra sleep anyway. I just hoped that Thomas wouldn't flood them again.

I woke up the next morning around ten. I was happy I didn't seem to have any nightmares about Thomas and it was Friday. I didn't have to set my alarm, but I still had to be at cheer practice at noon. I limped downstairs and poured me a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

When I was finished scanning the box for anything interesting to read while I ate, I rinsed my bowl out and put it in the sink. Upon yanking my phone off the charger and heading to my bathroom to take a bath, I opened my messages.

"Wait for me after practice." The text was from Nick. As butterflies filled my stomach, I disregarded them and continued with my bath. I heard a knock on my door and in walked Addie. I stepped out of the bath and quickly wrapped the towel around my damp body.

"Hey girl," Addie turned the corner. She seemed unbothered at the sight of me in a towel, "You almost ready?" she continued.

"Yep, I just have to get dressed. Not like I can do much anyway," I replied sarcastically. She grinned at me and left me alone to change.

As I took my regular precautions in drying around my cast, I quickly got dressed and threw my hair up in a bun. I didn't really try too hard to cover up my freckles today, hearing that Nick loved them, I wanted him to see them today when he saw me for the first time since he left. So, I just whipped on a little mascara and went on my way. I met up with Addie downstairs and we packed up the car and left for campus. I stretched with my team and took my familiar place on the bleachers to watch the girl's practice. Tomorrow was our playoff game.

Was it bad that I was secretly hoping the team would lose so I wouldn't have to feel bad about not being able to cheer anymore? I know that was awful selfish of me. I tried to push my negative thoughts aside and focus on the practice.

Once practice finished, Addie and I waited outside on the benches for the boys. After a few minutes sure enough, the boys came busting through the doors. Brandon hugged Addie like he hadn't seen her in days. Which was kind of ironic for me and Nick's situation. Nick followed Brandon out the door and a smile brushed across his face when he saw me. "Finally! He hasn't shut up about you all day!" Brandon's comment made Nick blush.

"Whatever man," Nick neverminded Brandon's comment and gave me a big hug.

"I am so sorry Nick," the words fell out of my mouth.

"It's okay, things happen," he replied. He was so strong. I was so glad to see him and know that he was okay.

After looking at me for a few minutes, I asked him, "what?"

"Have I told you I'm a sucker for freckles?" he smiled. I couldn't help but pull my face into a grin to his sweet comment.

We caught up and exchanged homework assignments for our Psychology and History classes for the days that Nick had missed by the lake. It was nice to relax with Nick. He needed to get caught up quick because after fall break, finals would be slapping us in the face.

"So, my dad has a date tonight," Brandon's voice slid through the silence like a snake through tall grass.

"That's awesome!" Addie reassured.

"Yeah, I guess so," he shrugged. You could hear the lack of hope in his voice. There was really nothing that we could tell him. I tried to relate to him as much as possible. As much as I wanted my mother to be happy and date again, it would definitely be awkward. Something I would have to get used to. For my mother, I would.

On the way back to our cars, Addie pulled Brandon ahead of us and whispered to him. I'm sure she was encouraging him. It was getting kind of late when we pulled into our driveway. I wanted to get a head start on my Literature study guide, so I went up to my room to do so. Since our playoff game was tomorrow, I wanted to get all of my weekend homework done so I could relax. It was almost eight when my mother walked into my room and spoke, "Hey, I'm going out tonight, I will be back later sweetie. Keep an eye on your brother for me." I simply nodded and continued with my homework. I wondered if Mrs. Thompson was going out too.

I got about halfway through when my eyes started to get heavy. I put my books back into my bookbag and drifted to sleep. Visions of headlights and beer bottles flooded my dreams. Thomas's friends wouldn't leave me alone. "Thomas, I am ready to leave now."

"You are such a lame ass Kass," Thomas mocked.

"That rhymed!" Thomas's friend's laughter echoed through my memories. What a stupid joke. Of course, everything is humorous when you are drunk. I rolled my eyes at their immatureness. Did they even have brains? I knew I would get an apology in the morning, but would it be sincere? He probably wouldn't even remember anything that happened tonight, like normal. I pulled my phone out to text Addie to come pick me up, but I couldn't remember her phone number. As hard as I tried, my brain wouldn't function correctly. I knew that it was just my dream state not letting me remember her number, so I tried even harder. Every idea that I had to get ahold of her failed. I tried going to her contact, but she didn't have one in my phone. I tried asking to borrow one of our friend's phones that was at the party and they didn't have her number either. Knowing that it was just my dreams messing with me I tried my best to wake myself up. I hated my dreams about Thomas. I guess it wasn't enough to just break up with him and never talk to him again, he still found a way to haunt me. Is it always going to be like this? How do I expect myself to get over him if he won't leave me alone?

Ayeeee new chapter!


-Tay 🌿

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