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A week passed by and I still hadn't fully unpacked my room. This summer was just dragging by. I was really excited for classes to start. I hated the idea of school, but college just seemed so fun. Maybe we would get invited to parties, and date cute boys. Maybe I would finally find someone worthy of my time.

My grandma always told me to not look for someone who I deserve, but to look for someone who deserved me. Before she died, she always knew the right thing to say. She died right after me and Thomas broke up. She was there for me every step of the way, and when her old age took her a few weeks later, she went out flawlessly. She was the strongest woman I knew. She was so graceful, kind, and clever. She never failed to fill my brain with empowering and uplifting thoughts about myself. I wish I could talk with her now. I could really use her guidance.

Addie and I had one more day to perfect what we had planned for our try out. Exhausted after hours of putting something decent together, we both laid down in Addie's bed and fell asleep. When we woke up it was dinner time and I had dinner with Addie's family. My mom was caught up with something at work and my brother was too occupied with video games or homework to even know what time it was.

After dinner, I went home satisfied with myself and the routine we made. I got a hot shower and plopped down in bed, seconds later I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning to someone turning on my T.V. "Get up sleepy head, I want to run through our routine a couple of times before we leave! I also want to get their early so we can eavesdrop on the other try outs and look at all the girls!" Addie spoke excitedly.


I threw myself out of bed and put on some Nike shorts and a t-shirt. I really did admire cheerleading, it never failed to get my mind off of certain things. It was the perfect distraction, and I was good at it. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much, it gave me so much confidence. Cheerleading has always been something I could lean on.

After running through our homemade routine a few times, we got in the car and left.

"Let's stop somewhere and grab us something light to eat," I kindly demanded, silently hoping Addie was hungry too.

"That's a good idea," she said pulling off into a Wendy's.

We rode through the drive through and made our way to campus. As we pulled in front of the Rec Building, I noticed a group of guys walking in.

"Look Kass, this is going to be fun," she smiled at me and quickly got out, "Hurry let's go!"

I followed her fast faced walk into the building where we realized we didn't see the boys anymore.

"Well, I'm sure we will find them later, come on its almost time for try outs!"

I continued to follow her to one of the gyms down the stairs. We came to a big group of girls all sitting on a blue mat and sat down next to them.

A few moments later, we heard someone walk up behind us. "Hello ladies! We are still waiting on a few more. If you guys want to start stretching and warming up on the mats while we wait that would be awesome," The woman continued, "We are also judging tumbling as well if any of you girls were interested, we would like you to throw the highest skill you have." She smiled and sat down on the bleachers with another younger lady and started flipping through some papers that looked like the applications we turned in.

"Kass, this is so awesome. I am kind of getting nervous."

We both spread our legs and started stretching. I had such a hard time stretching because of my back. I was lucky I even had the tumbling I did today because of it. I didn't have skills as high as Addie though. She had been cheering since she was six years old; I started when I was nine.

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