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I slept on the plane ride home, I was emotionally drained. The next thing I knew we were walking through the Airport looking for Addie and her mother. This time, it took us longer to get back out of the airport than it did to get in. We walked through a crowd of people and I noticed Addie standing next to her mother. I ran to her and engulfed her into a hug. I let out a huge sigh. I had missed her so much.

"I missed you!" I screamed into her ear.

"I missed you too," she laughed back. I let go and gave Mrs. Thompson a hug.

Addie helped us get our bags and we followed them back to the car. I was confused when they stopped at the front of the airport. "He should be pulling up any minute," Addie mentioned while searching for something in the distance.

"Who?" I asked.

"You will see," she smiled at me. I had a gut feeling it was Nick. I hoped that it was. A red Jeep Wrangler interrupted my daydream about Nick. I knew it. My face lit up as the Jeep came to a stop in front of us. I noticed him open the door and get out. I dropped my bags by my side and fast walked over to the driver's side. He pulled me into a hug, which was long overdue. His sweet scent took me away to a place I yearned to be while I was in Texas.

"I missed you," I spoke while Nick still surrounded me.

"Me too," he whispered in my ear. I pulled back and kissed him on the cheek. "I am so proud of you, Kassidy," he continued, "Get your bags, let's go home," he smiled at me with a faint red growing on his cheeks. I turned back around and saw my mother wearing a smile. We grabbed our bags and piled into Nick's jeep and headed home.

My eyes got kind of heavy on the way home. It was around eleven thirty when we reached our house. We said bye to the Thompson's and Nick helped us carry our bags in and followed me up to my room afterwards.

"You want some company?" he cracked the door behind him. I was really tired, but I honestly wanted nothing more than to spend some time with my boyfriend, especially after the long week I had. It also felt good to say boyfriend.

I nodded my head toward him and laid down on my bed. He smiled at me and grabbed the remote off of my dresser before flopping down onto the bed with me.

"Hey honey, I want you to unpack and get some laundry done tomorrow." My mother walked into my room," she paused when she saw Nick, "Thank you so much for picking us up Nick, that was very sweet of you." She gave him a warm smile, "Stay as long as you'd like, but no funny business." She winked at us. I couldn't believe my mother just gave him the okay to spend the night.

"Did she just?" I questioned my mother. Nick looked over at me with a grin on his face. He rolled on top of me while wrapping his arms around my stomach. I let out a chuckle and a strong breath at the same time. He was a bit heavy.

"Get off you crazy boy!" I giggled.

Nick squeezed me tight and then let go and rolled off of me. "Sorry, I am just happy to see you."

"Me too," I blushed.

"So, what do you want to watch?" I started a new conversation. I was honestly tired but if he was spending the night, I didn't mind watching a movie till I fell asleep.

"I don't care," he replied.

"I honestly might fall asleep anyway, so you pick. I am going to go change," I tossed him the remote and he nodded at me before I slid off of my bed. I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts out of my dresser and walked into the bathroom.

When I finished changing and washing my face, I opened the door to Nick laying under the covers staring at the T.V. I flicked off the lights and slithered into bed.

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