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I tried to focus on sleep. I was beyond thankful to be in Nick's arms, but I couldn't get past these emotions of feeling guilty. Again. "Kassidy, I am so sorry this happened to you," I heard Nick whisper in my ear. I could hear the sorrow in his voice. I didn't reply. I tried my best to go to sleep. I just wanted tonight to be over.

"I love you, Kassidy," Nick whispered again and squeezed me a little, cuddling me into him further. Did he really just say that? Nick loves me? I didn't respond to that either. I guess he thought I was asleep. It was like someone opened the cage to the butterflies that were locked in my stomach after he spoke. I was pretty sure I loved him too. I had nightmares of Brody's hands on me frequently during the night. I felt so restless.

I woke up early the next morning feeling like I had gotten no sleep at all. I smiled when I remembered Nick's words. He loved me. My smile soon faded as I remembered the events that had taken place last night. I sat up gently trying not to wake Nick up. He was sleeping so peacefully beside me, his arm still placed on my waist with his head buried halfway into his pillow. His hair messy and his lips slightly parted while soft snores came from them. What a masterpiece. I brought my hand up to his face and caressed his cheek lightly. I removed the covers from my legs and slid out of bed as lightly as I could. I slowly opened the door and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

After I went to the bathroom, I noticed again how sore I was while wiping myself. There was a hint of redness on the toilet paper as well. I took a deep breath and flushed the toilet. My wrists were sore from where he had gripped them too tightly. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

I entered Nick's room again and pulled my phone out of my shorts and brought it with me to the bed. It was eight fifty. I slid back under the covers and into Nick's arms. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Nick asked as I accidentally woke him up. I shrugged my shoulders and laid back down on his arm. He stretched his arms and yawned while asking me what time it was.

"It is almost nine," I replied to him closing my eyes. "I didn't get very much sleep last night," I admitted.

"Yeah, you were having some bad dreams."

"I am sorry if I woke you up." Guilt rushed over me once again.

"Kassidy, you have nothing to apologize for, at all. I should've taken better care of you," Nick hesitated with his last statement, like he was ashamed of himself.

"Do not say that Nick, it isn't your responsibility to take care of me all the time."

Nick didn't say another word. He pulled me in closer and we both just stared off into the ceiling. I dozed off shortly after.

Hours later when I got up for the second time, Nick was gone. I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen. Addie and Brandon were sitting on the couch watching some T.V. Addie immediately shot up from the couch as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey, Kass," she smiled at me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Where is Nick?" I asked her.

"He left to go pick up Josh from Brody's house."

My stomach dropped at the mention of his name.

"You let him go by himself?"

"Yeah because Brody left town apparently," Brandon replied.

I didn't know how to feel about that. Part of me wanted him to suffer, to go to jail, but the other part of me wanted to never hear or speak his name again. Addie rubbed my back as I bent down to get a pop tart out of the cabinet. I could tell no one really knew what to say to me. It was awkwardly quiet as we watched T.V.

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