Chpt 1

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Milan's POV.

Today was selection day and i wasn't running around looking crazy like the rest of these hoes because I knew I wasn't getting picked and even if my ass did I would run away the first chance I got

Oscar has all the girls lined up on this huge stage with bright ass lights shining down on us. As I looked out in the crowd all I could think was "wowww look at all these perverted ass mother fuckers."

As the auction started and girl after girl (more like hoe after hoe) was bought, I was ready to go. Well I was...until I heard someone shout "30 grand for the one on the end!" It took my slow ass a good couple of minutes of looking around, double checking for another girl beside me, and staring off into space to realize they was talking about me.

Oscar's loud ass voice snapped me out of this trance as he said, "Going once, going twice, SOLD to Mr. Ghost!" At that moment all I could do was stand there like WTF. As I looked at my buyer and put together what was going on, I realized he was the well known kingpin Ghost. That man put fear in everyone's heart and was known for killing without mercy especially if you got in his way.

As I stepped off the stage to greet him, because you know why not start off on a good page with the killer, he completely ignored my ass and walked off.

"Rude ass can't even say hello," I muttered under my voice when I was sure he was outta ear shot.

"If you know what's good for you you'll watch how you speak of Ghost," one of the niggas he brought along with him said as he bumped past me. I rolled my eyes and followed in the direction they had walked off to, and I decided to keep my comments to myself before they shot my ass.

As I stepped outside the sun quickly blinded me, it's been so long that I've been in that "house" that I forgot what the outside even was. A black on black roles Royce with tinted windows pulled up in a matter of seconds once "Ghost" came into view. I couldn't even move or speak once I saw that beauty, I was stuck.

The driver got out the car and opened Ghost's door before him and the rest of Ghost's "crew" shoved me towards the otherside of the car. Catching an attitude with them I stomped over to the otherside, threw the door open, and came face to face with who they call "Ghost" in the streets.

Once I got in the car ghost quickly made a stink face and then you won't believe what this rude fuxker said !!!

"Hell No Drive Faster, Moe and role the damn windows down girl smell like shit."

So of course my short-tempered self quickly got an attitude, and then I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"What the fuck do you except huh?They don't let me bathe and they barely even fed me. So nigga before you talk your shit think before you speak!"

I quickly regretted those words (shit I think I bout died and came back to life) when he put his hand around my neck, got all up in my face, and said with his deep ass voice, "Watch who the fuck you talkin to yo before I murk ya ass."

No cap that shit low key had me WET.

Ok my loves that's it for right now I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know how much y'all did in the comments and me and my Bestfriend should have another update coming soon 💛

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